Normally you will export your citations (to books, artcles, etc.) from databases to EndNote (see the Database Exports tab). But sometimes you will need to create a citation from information you have. EndNote allows you to enter a citation manually:
1. Log into EndNote Web and choose "Collect" then "New Reference."
2. Enter whatever citation information you have, being sure to choose a "Reference Type."
3. Be sure you save your entered citation soon after you begin entering it.
4. Your saved citation will be in your "[unfiled]" group (folder). If you want to move it to another group, simply open the [unfiled] group, check the box next to the citation and choose a group (folder) to move it to:
Land Acknowledgement
Trinity Western University's Langley campus is located on the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Stó:lō people. We are grateful for the opportunity to live, work, and learn on this land.