Using EndNote Web (Classic or Legacy Version)

A guide to the main features of the bibliographical manager EndNote Web

PubMed to EndNote Basic/Web

1. Do your search in PubMed and select the citations you want to export.
2. Click on "Send to" at the top of the screen.
3. Click on "Citation Manager."
4. Click on "Create file." This will send a file to your downloads folder.
5. Log into EndNote Web, click on "Collect" then on "Import References."
6. Browse to and upload your PubMed file (it will have "pubmed" in its file name).
7. Choose "PubMed (NLM)" as your input option. If you don't see it in the dropdown, click on "Select Favorites" and add it.
8. Choose a group (folder) into which you wish to place your citation(s).
9. Click on "Import."