Using EndNote Web (Classic or Legacy Version)

A guide to the main features of the bibliographical manager EndNote Web

Adding Full Text Articles to EndNote

You may wish to attach full text PDFs of articles to their citations in EndNote.  Here is the procedure:

Adding full text to EndNote citations

1. Find your group (folder), using the References tab (illustrated group is entitled "Demonstration."
2. Identify the citation to which you wish to add PDF full text by clicking on the paper clip icon.
3. Click on "Attach Files."

4. Click on the first "browse" box to upload your full text (which should normally you would place in your downloads folder or some other folder on your computer).
5. Click on "Upload."
6. If all is well, you should get an "upload complete" message.
7. Open your original citation to see if the full text is attached.
8. You will find the full text link further down, under "Attachments."