Using EndNote Web (Classic or Legacy Version)

A guide to the main features of the bibliographical manager EndNote Web

Creating an Account

 endnote sign in   OR   EndNote register


EndNote login

EndNote online is a free online bibliographical manager that enables users to collect citations to books, articles, etc., put them in folders (groups) and generate notes and bibliographies in a variety of formats. There is no fee for this version, and you control your own login details. Note, however, that there is an upgraded EndNote Web available only to those who have a subscribed desktop version of EndNote. The information in this guide relates to the legacy version of EndNote Web.

Use the tabs to the left to navigate to information about its features and operation.

Some of the features include:

  • Store up to 50,000 references
  • 21 most popular bibliographic styles
  • 2GB of file storage
  • Webpage reference capture