Using EndNote Web (Classic or Legacy Version)

A guide to the main features of the bibliographical manager EndNote Web

Adding OVID Citations to EndNote

1. Do a search and select the citation(s) you want to Export.
2. Go to the top of the screen and click on "Export."
3. You will see the number of citations you have selected to export.
4. Choose "EndNote"from the dropdown.
5. Click on Export.
6. Log into EndNote and choose "Collect" then "Import References."
7. Choose the file from your downloads folder. It will likely be entitled something like OVID(1).cgi.
8. Choose the import option "Refman RIS." If it is not in the dropdown, click on "Select Favorites" to add it.
9. Choose the group (folder) to which you want to add the imported citation(s).
10. Click on "Import."