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Book a Study Room: How-to

Alloway Library uses the same online appointment system as the Learning Commons for study room bookings. You will need to create a Learning Commons account (requires an email address) if you do not have one: 

  1. Log in with your TWU Pass.
  2. Click on the "Log in to the Learning Commons appointment booking site" button.
  3. Create an account.
    • To access the appointment booking system, you will need to register your account the first time you log into the system. All accounts are tied to your email account.
  4. After the registration form, a confirmation page will pop up. Go through the "click here" link to access the schedule.
    • If you receive an error stating "login error for Student ID...", it means that you have to visit TWIT in Lower Mattson to register your email


Already have
an account?
Need a Learning
Commons account?
Unable to create
an account?
Stop by, call 604-513-2023, or email the Borrower Services desk to reserve a room.



Floorplan of Lower Level

Floorplan of Library Lower Level

Study rooms are in yellow.

2 seats, desk, whiteboard

Lower Level Study Room 001

2 seats + whiteboard

2 seats, desk, whiteboard

Lower Level Study Room 002

2 seats + whiteboard

2 seats, desk, whiteboard

Lower Level Study Room 003

2 seats + whiteboard

2 seats, desk, whiteboard

Lower Level Study Room 004

2 seats + whiteboard

5 seats, desk, whiteboard

Lower Level Study Room 005

5 seats + whiteboard + monitor

Floorplan of upper level

Floorplan of Library Upper Level

Study rooms are in yellow.

5 seats, desk, whiteboard

Upper Level Study Room 205

5 seats + whiteboard

Desk and chairs

Upper Level Study Room 205

5 seats + whiteboard

6 seats, whiteboard, monitor, VHS, DVD player

Upper Level Study Room 206

6 seats + whiteboard + monitor + VHS & DVD player

4 seats, whiteboard, monitor

Upper Level Study Room 211

4 seats + whiteboard + monitor

4 seats, whiteboard, monitor

Upper Level Study Room 223 (located in the Curriculum Resource Centre)

4 seats + whiteboard + monitor