Research Data Management

What is RDM and how do I do it?

What is RDM?

  • Everything that you, the researcher, do during a project as you create, work with, and save your data.
  • "Research Data Management" is nothing more than writing down and formalizing everything that you do without even thinking about it as you work on a project.

What is my research data?

  • Your research data is anything you generate as you conduct your research.
  • Research data comes in many formats, including text, numeric, transcripts, images, and recordings.

How do I manage it?

  • Start your research by thinking about the kind of data you're intending to produce and what you need to do to keep it organized.
  • End your research by making sure your data is complete and documented, and stored in a way that safeguards against it being lost or damaged.

This aligns with the researcher requirements outlined in the draft Tri-Agency Policy regarding data management plans (Policy 3.2) and data deposit (Policy 3.3).

"Research Data Management Primer." Portage Network

Definition of Research Data

Who is involved in RDM?

Research data are produced by people in all fields and disciplines of study, from lab sciences to fine arts, and involves people in many different roles and offices across campus. It is important to recognize data creation as part of every research process in order to be able to document, preserve, and share your data throughout its lifecycle.

RDM for Busy People



'Good Enough' guides to RDM.¹