Using EndNote Basic/Web

A guide to the main features of the bibliographical manager EndNote Basic/Web

Downloading Directly from EBSCO Database to EndNote

EBSCO databases allow you to export citations directly to EndNote.  When you do the export, EndNote opens in another tab on your browser, you login in, and your citations will be waiting for you.  Here are two options:

First Option

1. Click on a title in an EBSCO database search result:



2. Click on Export to the right




3. On the next page, click on Save:



4. An EndNote tab will open in your browser. Log in and you will see:


5. You will find your record in My References within the Unfiled folder


Second Option

1.  Choose several titles by clicking in the blue icon to the right of each of them. Then find "Folder has items" in the top right of your result list: Click on Go to Folder View.



2. Choose the Export link to the right and follow through to direct download as in First Option above.