Using EndNote Web (Classic or Legacy Version)

A guide to the main features of the bibliographical manager EndNote Web

Downloading Directly from Library OneSearch or EBSCO Database to EndNote

EBSCO databases (including Library OneSearch) allow you to export citations directly to EndNote.  When you do the export, EndNote opens in another tab on your browser, you login in, and your citations will be waiting for you.  Note that, if direct download is not working, choose the manual download option from the menu on the left.


1. Click on the title of a search result you want to export to EndNote or add it to a temporary folder.
2. Click on the "Export" icon to the right.
3. Choose the "Direct export to EndNote Web.
4. Click on "Save."
5. Sign in to "EndNote Web."
6. You will see a notification that the download has succeeded. You can then move the downloaded citation(s) from the "unfiled" group (folder) to whatever group you choose.