Religious Studies Resources

A Guide to E-Reference Sources, Journal Databases, and other Resources in Religion.

Videos on Religion - Academic Video Online

Religion (Use the filter icon to identify subtopics with the Subject link)

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Wevers Institute for Septuagint Studies
The John William Wevers Institute for Septuagint Studies promotes research on the Septuagint — the Old Greek version of the Jewish Scriptures and the Bible of many early Christians including the authors of the New Testament — with a particular focus on hermeneutical issues related to this biblical version.

The Bible Project
A YouTube channel devoted to making the Bible understandable.

Bible Odyssey
Videos and articles from members of the Society of Biblical Literature.

Dr. Andrew Perrin YouTube Channel
Bible, Septuagint, Dead Sea Scrolls

The Global Church Project

The Global Church Project
Video interviews with leading international figures involved in the mission of the church. "The GlobalChurch Project invites often unheard voices from around the world to enter into a powerful global conversation about the shape of church and mission in the 21st century. We provide a platform for multicultural, minority, Indigenous, and Majority World voices. We help local churches become missional and multicultural."