Religious Studies Resources

A Guide to E-Reference Sources, Journal Databases, and other Resources in Religion.

Key to Commentary Types

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The library has numerous biblical commentaries in print and in electronic form. This guide lists commentaries available in electronic form.  Some require a library login.


- Critical commentary [Advanced level; comments on biblical original languages] 
  - Mid-range [Accessible by those who lack knowledge of biblical languages; focuses on exegesis of the text]
- Popular [Lay level; emphasis on explanation of the biblical text]
- Devotional [Application of the biblical text]

 For an excellent guide to the best commentaries and commentary series, book by book, go to

Old Testament

 Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges (late 1800s to early 1900s)
 Collins, Wesley One Volume Commentary: Old Testament (2020)
 Duvall, Baker Illustrated Bible Background Commentary (2020)
 Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible (2003)
Keil & Delitsch, Biblical Commentary on the OT (1864-92: Click on blue links below image for various volumes.)
 Muddiman, Oxford Bible Commentary (includes OT Apocrypha, 2007)
 Durken, ed. New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament (2015)
 Walton, IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament (2000)


 Calvin, Genesis, v.1, v.2 (1847, 1850 translations)
Cook, Genesis and Exodus (1871)

Delitzsch, New Commentary on Genesis  v. 1v.2 (1888-89)
 Dods, Genesis (Expositors Bible, 1902)
Driver, Genesis (Westminster Commentaries,1907)

 Goodspeed, Genesis (American Commentary, 1908)
 Hershon, Genesis with a Talmudical Commentary (1883)

 Luther, Commentary on Genesis (1910 translation)
 Murphy, Genesis (1867)
Payne Smith, Genesis (1885)
 Ryle, Genesis (1914)

Spurrell, Notes on the Text of Genesis (1896) 
Skinner, John. Genesis (International Critical Commentary, 1910)
 Terry, Genesis and Exodus (1889)
Wright, Genesis (on Hebrew text, 1859)

 Azad, Genesis 1-11 (Windows on the Text, 2022) [Christian focus in Muslim contexts]
Baldwin, Message of Genesis 12-50 (Bible Speaks Today, 2021)
Bandstra, Genesis 1-11: A Handbook on the Hebrew Text (2008)
 Bergant, Genesis: In the Beginning (2013)
 Blenkisopp, Abraham, the Story of a Life (Gen. 11-24, 2015)
 Cook, Genesis (New Collegeville Commentary, 2011)
 Good, Edwin M. Genesis 1-11 (2011)
Kidner, Genesis (Kidner Classic Commentaries, 2008 reprint)
 Mathews, Genesis 1-11:26 (Christian Standard Commentary, 2022)
 Okoye, Genesis 1-11, 12-50 [Narrative-theological] (2018, 2020)
 Roop, Eugene F. Genesis (Believer's Church Commentary, 1987)
 Ross, Genesis (Bible Knowledge Commentary, 2018)
 Speiser, Genesis (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1974)
Snaith, Genesis 40-44 (Hebrew text notes, 1950)
Steinmann, Genesis (Tyndale Commentary, 2019)
 Thompson, Genesis 1-11 (Reformation Commentary, 2012)
 Wenham, Rethinking Genesis 1-11 (2015)



 Bennett, Exodus (New Century Bible, 1908)
 Betteridge, Exodus (American Commentary, 1914)
 Chadwick, Exodus (Expositor's Bible, 1902)
Cook, Genesis and Exodus (1871)
 Driver, Exodus (Cambridge Bible, 1918)
 Keyser, Exodus (1940)
 McGregor, Exodus, v.1, v.2 (Handbooks for Bible Classes, 1909)
 McNeile, Exodus (Westminster Commentary, 1931) 
Murphy, Exodus (International Critical Commentary, 1881)
Terry, Genesis and Exodus (1889)


 Alexander, Exodus (Apollos OT Commentary, 2017)
 Alexander, Exodus (Teach the Text Commentary, 2016)
Cole, Exodus (Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, 1977)
Davies, Exodus 1-10, 11-18 (International Critical Commentary, 2019-20)
 Hannah, Exodus (Bible Knowledge Commentary, 2018)
Janzen, Exodus (Believer's Church Commentary, 2000) 
 Johnstone, Exodus (Eerdmans Commentary, 2019)
 Johnstone, Exodus 1-19Exodus 20-40 (Smyth & Helwys, 2014)
Merida, Exalting Jesus in Exodus (2014)
 Meyers, Exodus (New Cambridge Bible Commentary, 2005)
 Propp, Exodus 1-18, 19-40 (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1999, 2006)
 Scarlata, Abiding Presence: Exodus (2017)
 Smith, Exodus (New Collegeville Commentary, 2011)
 White, Exodus (Brazos Theological Commentary, 2016)
 Wright, Exodus (Story of God Bible Commentary, 2021)



 Chapman, Leviticus (Cambridge Bible, 1914)
 Driver, Leviticus (Colour coded to reveal documentary sources, 1898)
 Genung, Leviticus (American Commentary, 1906)
 Kellogg, Leviticus (1899)
 Kennedy, Leviticus and Numbers (New Century Bible, 1910) 
 Murphy, Critical and Exegetical Commentary...Exodus (1872)
 Steele & Lindsay, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy (1891)

 Kamionkowski, Leviticus (Wisdom Commentary, 2018)
 Lindsey, Leviticus (Bible Knowledge Commentary, 2018)
 Milgrom, Leviticus 1-16, 17-22, 23-27 (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1999-2001)
​Sklar, Leviticus (Tyndale OT Commentary, 2011)
 Sprinkle, Leviticus and Numbers (Teach the Text Commentary, 2015)
Tidball, Message of Leviticus (Bible Speaks Today, 2021)
 Wenham, Leviticus (New International Commentary, 1979)
 Yoder, Leviticus (Believer's Church Commentary, 2017)



 Genung, Numbers (New American Commentary, 1906) 
Gray, Numbers (International Critical Commentary, 1920)
 Kennedy, Leviticus and Numbers (New Century Bible, 1910)

 McNeile, Numbers (Cambridge Bible, 1911) 
 Steele & Lindsay, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy (1891)

 Ashley, Book of Numbers, 2nd ed. (New International Commentary, 2022)
 Levine, Numbers 1-20, 21-36 (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1993, 2000)
 Merrill, Numbers (Bible Knowledge Commentary, 2018)
  Sprinkle, Leviticus and Numbers (Teach the Text Commentary, 2015)
Wenham, Numbers (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 1981)



 Betteridge, Deuteronomy (New American Commentary, 1915)
Driver, Deuteronomy (International Critical Commentary, 1916)

 Harper, Deuteronomy (Expositor's Bible, 1895)
 Jordan, Deuteronomy (Bible for Home and School, 1911)
 Robinson, Deuteronomy and Joshua (New American Commentary, 1907)
 Smith, Deuteronomy (Cambridge Bible, 1918)
 Steele & Lindsay, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy (1891)


  Arnold, Deuteronomy 1-11 (New International Commentary, 2022)
 Beavis, Deuteronomy (Wisdom Commentary, 2015)
 Benjamin, Social World of Deuteronomy: A New Feminist Commentary (2015)
 Clements, Deuteronomy (Epworth Commentaries, 2001)
 Cook, Reading Deuteronomy (2014)
 Craigie, Deuteronomy (New International Commentary, 1976)
 Deere, Deuteronomy (Bible Knowledge Commentary, 2018)
 Gerbrandt, Deuteronomy (Believer's Church Commentary, 2015)
 Green, Deuteronomy (New Beacon Bible Commentary, 2015)
 Kline, Treaty of the Great King ([Commentary on covenant structure in Deuteronomy], 1963)
 Ownes, Deuteronomy (New Collegeville Commentary, 2011)
 Rogerson, Deuteronomy (Eerdmans Commentary, 2019)
 Thompson, Deuteronomy (Belief: A Theological Commentary, 2014) 
 Weinfeld, Deuteronomy 1-11 (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1974 - v.2 not yet published)
Woods, Deuteronomy (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2011)



 Blaikie, Joshua (New Century Bible, 1893)
 Cooke, Joshua (Cambridge Bible, 1918)

Friedeberg, Joshua (On Hebrew text, 1913)
Keil, Joshua (1887)
Lloyd, Joshua (1886)

 Maclear, Joshua (Cambridge Bible, 1873)
 Robinson, Deuteronomy and Joshua (New American Commentary, 1907)


 Amos, Joshua, Judges, Ruth (Reformation Commentary, 2020)
Dozeman, Joshua 1-12 (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2015; v.2 not yet published)
 Faley, Joshua, Judges (New Collegeville Commentary, 2011)
Firth, Message of Joshua (Bible Speaks Today, 2015)
 Goldingay, Joshua (Baker Commentary on the OT, 2023)
Hess, Joshua (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2008)
 Hinlicky, Joshua (Brazos Theological Commentary, 2021)
 Laughlin, Reading Joshua: A Historical-Critical Archaeological Commentary (2015)
 Mathews, Joshua (Teach the Text Commentary, 2016)
 Matties, Joshua (Believer's Church Commentary, 2012)
 McConville, Williams, Joshua (Two Horizons Commentary, 2010)
 van Wijk-Bos, End of the Beginning: Joshua and Judges (A People and a Land, v.1, 2019)
 Woudstra, Joshua (New International Commentary, 1981)



Burney, Judges (1918)
 Cooke, Judges (Cambridge Bible, 1913)

 Lias, Judges (Cambridge Bible, 1884)
Moore, Judges (International Critical Commentary, 1895)

 Thatcher, Judges and Ruth (New Century Bible, 1904)
 Watson, Judges and Ruth (Expositor's Bible, 1903)



 Amos, Joshua, Judges, Ruth (Reformation Commentary, 2020)
 Beldman, Judges (Two Horizons Commentary, 2020)
 Biddle, Reading Judges (2012))
Bloch-Smith, Judges 1:1-10:5 (Hermeneia, 2021)
Brensinger, Judges (Believer's Church Commentary, 1999)
Cundall, Judges and Ruth (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2008)
Evans, Judges and Ruth (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2017)
 Faley, Joshua, Judges (New Collegeville Commentary, 2011)
 Garcia Backmann, Judges (Wisdom Commentary, 2018)
 Kuruvilla, Judges : A Theological Commentary for Preachers (2017)
 Sasson, Judges 1-12 (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2014; v.2 not yet published)
 van Wijk-Bos, End of the Beginning: Joshua and Judges (A People and a Land, v.1, 2019)
 Way, Judges and Ruth (Teach the Text Commentary, 2016)
Webb, Book of the Judges: An Integrated Reading (1987)
 Webb, Book of Judges (New International Commentary,, 2012) 
Wilcock, Message of Judges (Bible Speaks Today, 2021)


Cassel, Ruth (1871)

 Cooke, Ruth (Cambridge Bible, 1913)
Kennedy, Ruth, The Hebrew Text with Grammatical Notes (1937)
 Thatcher, Judges and Ruth (New Century Bible, 1904)
 Watson, Judges and Ruth (Expositor's Bible, 1903)

Wright, Ruth ([On Hebrew text], 1864)


 Amos, Joshua, Judges, Ruth (Reformation Commentary, 2020)
Atkinson, Message of Ruth (Bible Speaks Today, 2022)
 Campbell, Ruth (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1975)
Cundall, Judges and Ruth (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2008)
 Dharamra, Ruth (Asia Bible Commentary, 2019)
Evans, Judges and Ruth (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2017)
Gladson, Critical & Exegetical Commentary on Ruth (2012)
 Hawk, Ruth (Apollos OT Commentary, 2015)
 Hubbard, Ruth (New International Commentary, 1988)
 Laffey, Ruth (Wisdom Commentary, 2017)
 Lau, Book of Ruth (New International Commentary, 2023)
 Leonard-Fleckman, Ruth (Wisdom Commentary, 2017)
 McKeown, Ruth (Two Horizons Commentary, 2015)
 Nowell, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther  (New Collegeville Commentary, 2013)
 Queen Sutherland, Ruth & Esther (Smyth & Helwys Commentary, 2016)
 Roop, Ruth, Jonah, Esther (Believer's Church Commentary, 2002)
Schipper, Ruth (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2016)
 Way, Judges and Ruth (Teach the Text Commentary, 2016)


 Batten, First Book of Samuel (Bible for Home and School, 1919)

Driver, Samuel (Notes on the Hebrew text, 1913)
 Kirkpatrick, Samuel, 1st, 2nd (Cambridge Bible, 1918-1919)
Smith, Books of Samuel (International Critical Commentary, 1899)


Baldwin, 1 & 2 Samuel (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, 1988)
 Barron, 2 Samuel (Brazos Theological Commentary, 2015)
 Chapman, I Samuel as Christian Scripture: A Theological Commentary (2016)
 Cooper, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles (Reformation Commentary, 2016)
Evans, Message of Samuel (Bible Speaks Today, 2004)
 Feidhlimidh, First and Second Samuel (New Collegeville Commentary, 2012)
 Jensen, I & 2 Samuel (Belief: A Theological Commentary, 2015)
Long, 1 and 2 Samuel (Tyndale OT Commentaries, 2020)
 McCarter, Samuel, 1st, 2nd (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1980, 1984)
 Magennis, First and Second Samuel (New Collegeville Bible Commentary, 2012)
 Morrison, 2 Samuel (Berit Olam, 2013)
Thomas, Exalting Jesus in 1 & 2 Samuel (2016)
 Tsumura, First Samuel, Second Samuel (New International Commentary, 2006, 2019)
 Van Wijk-Bos, Reading Samuel (2011)
  Van Wijk-Bos, Road to Kingship: 1-2 Samuel (A People and a Land, v.2, 2020)



 Barnes, Kings (Cambridge Bible, 1908)
Burney, Notes on the Hebrew Text of the Book of Kings (1903)
 Burrows, Second Book of Kings (1910) 
Farrar, First and Second Kings (Expositor's Bible, 1905)
 Honor, Kings I (Jewish Commentary, 1919)

 Lumby, First Kings, Second Kings (Cambridge Bible, 1896-1897)
Montgomery, Books of Kings (International Critical Commentary, 1941)

 Cogan, Kings, 1st, 2nd (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1998, 2001)
 Cooper, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles (Reformation Commentary, 2016)
 Haydock, Catholic Commentary on Kings I (2018)
Jeyaraj, 1 & 2 Kings (Asia Bible Commentary, 2022)
 Jost, 1 & 2 Kings (Believers Church Commentary, 2021)
 Laffey, First and Second Kings (New Collegeville Commentary, 2012)

Olley, Message of Kings (Bible Speaks Today, 2011)
 Park, 2 Kings (Wisdom Commentary, 2019)
 van Wijk-Bos, Land and its Kings: 1-2 Kings (2020)
 Winslow, 1 & 2 Kings (New Beacon Commentary, 2017)
Wray Beal, 1 & 2 Kings (Apollos OT Commentary, 2014)



 Barnes, Chronicles (Cambridge Bible, 1899)
 Bennett, Chronicles (Expositor's Bible, 1894)

Curtis, Books of Chronicles (International Critical Commentary, 1910)
 Elmslie, Chronicles (Cambridge Bible, 1916)


 Cooper, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles (Reformation Commentary, 2016)
Endres, First and Second Chronicles (New Collegeville Commentary, 2012) 
Johnstone, I & II Chronicles, v.1v.2 (1997)
 Jonker, 1 & 2 Chronicles (Understanding the Bible Commentary, 2013)
Kein, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles (Hermeneia, 2006, 2012)
 Knoppers, Chronicles, 1st, 2nd (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2003, 2004)
 Konkel, 1 & 2 Chronicles (Believer's Church Commentary, 2016)
 Leithart, Chronicles (Brazos Theological Commentary, 2019)
Selman, 1 Chronicles. 2 Chronicles (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 1994)
Wilcock, Message of Chronicles (Bible Speaks Today, 2022)

Ezra and Nehemiah


 Adeney, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther (Cambridge Commentary, 1893)
Batten, Ezra and Nehemiah (International Critical Commentary, 1913)

 Ryle, Ezra and Nehemiah (Cambridge Bible, 1893)

 Arrington, Ezra and Nehemiah (New International Commentary, 2022)
Benn, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther (Preaching the Word, 2021)
Betts, Nehemiah: A Pastoral & Exegetical Commentary (2020)
 Bolin, Ezra, Nehemiah (New Collegeville Commentary, 2012)
Brown, Message of Nehemiah (Bible Speaks Today, 2022)
 Edlin, Ezra/Nehemiah (New Beacon Commentary, 2017)
 Eskenazi, Ezra (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2023)
Fyall, Message of Ezra & Haggai (Bible Speaks Today, 2016)
 Grabbe, Ezra-Nehemiah (Old Testament Readings, 1998)
Hamilton, Exalting Jesus in Ezra-Nehemiah (2014)
 Harrington, Books of Ezra and Nehemiah (New International Commentary, 2022)
Lorein, Ezra and Nehemiah (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2009)
 Meyers, Ezra-Nehemiah (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1965)
 Nykolaishen, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther (Teach the Text Commentary, 2018)
 Redditt, Ezra-Nehemiah (Smyth & Helwys Commentary, 2014)
 Shepherd, Ezra and Nehemiah (Two Horizons Commentary, 2018)
 Smith, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther (Cornerstone Commentary, 2018)



 Adeney, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther (Cambridge Commentary, 1893)
 Annesley, Esther (Cambridge Bible, 1907)
Cassel, Esther [with 2nd Targum commentary] (1888)
Paton, Esther (International Critical Commentary, 1908)

 Streane, Esther (Cambridge Bible, 1907)

Benn, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther (Preaching the Word, 2021)
Downden, Exalting Jesus in Esther (2019)
Firth, Message of Esther (Bible Speaks Today, 2010)
 Moore, Esther (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1971)
 Nowell, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther (New Collegeville Commentary, 2013)
 Nykolaishen, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther (Teach the Text Commentary, 2018)
 Queen-Sutherland, Ruth and Esther  (Smyth & Helwys Commentary, 2016)
Reid, Esther (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2008)
 Roop, Ruth, Jonah, Esther (Believer's Church Commentary, 2002)
 Smith, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther (Cornerstone Commentary, 2018)
 Wells, Esther & Daniel (Brazos Theological Commentary, 2013)



 Barton, Job (1911)
Buttenwieser, Job (1922)
 Davidson, Job (Cambridge Bible, 1899)
Driver, Job, v.1, v.2 (International Critical Commentary, 1921)

Ewald, Job (1882)
 Gibson, Job (Westminster Commentaries, 1919)

 Peake, Job (Century Bible, 1905)
Snaith, Job 1-6 (Notes on Hebrew text, 1945)
 Strahan, Book of Job Interpreted (1914)
 Watson, Job (Expositor's Bible, 1892)


Anderson, Job (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2015)
Atkinson, Message of Job (Bible Speaks Today, 2022)
 Boss, Job [Theological and Psychological] (2010)
 Crenshaw, Reading Job (2011)
 Estes, Job (Teach the Text Commentary, 2013)
Hester, Job (Interpretation Bible Studies, 2005)
 Kravitz, Olitzky, Book of Job ([Translation & commentary], 2017)
 Pope, Job (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1975)
 Vicchio, Job (History of interpretation and commentary, 2020)
 Wilson, Job (Two Horizons Commentary, 2015)


 Berry, Psalms 1-50 (1915)
Briggs, Psalms, v.1v.2 (International Critical Commentary, 1906-7)
Cheyne, Psalms, v.1, v.2 (1904)
 Freehof, Psalms (Jewish Commentary for Bible Readers, 1938)

Hengstenberg, Psalms, v.1, v.2, v.3 (1867-1869)
 Hibbard, Psalms (1909)

 Kirkpatrick, Psalms 1-41, 42-89, 90-150 (Cambridge Bible, 1892-1904)
Lund, Psalms (1908)

Oesterley, Psalms (1939)
 Perowne, Psalms, v.1, v.2 (1889)
 Plumer, Psalms (1872)


 Bergant, Psalms 1-72 (New Collegeville Commentary, 2013)
 Berlin, Psalms 120-150 (Jewish Pub. Soc. - JPS Bible Commentary, 2023)
 Byassee, Psalms 101-150 (Brazos Theological Commentary, 2018)
 Charry, Psalms 1-50 (Brazos Theological Commentary, 2015)
 Dahood, Psalms 1-50, 51-100, 101-150 (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1965-1970)
 deClaisse-Walford, Psalms (New International Commentary, 2014)
 deClaisse-Walford, Psalms, Books 4-5 (Wisdom Commentary, 2020)
 Eaton, Psalms (Historical and Spiritual Commentary, 2008)
 Estes, Psalms 73-150 (New American Commentary, 2019)
 Goulder, Psalms of the Return ([Ps. 107-150], 1998))
 Grogan, Psalms (Two Horizons Commentary, 2008)
 Hopkins, Psalms, Books 2-3 (Wisdom Commentary, 2016)
Hossfeld, Psalms 51-100, 101-150 (Hermeneia, 2005, 2011)
Kidner, Psalms 1-7273-150 (2014 reprint)
Longman, Psalms (Tyndale OT Commentaries, 2014) 
Platt, Exalting Jesus in Psalms 50-100 (2020)
 Prinslo, Psalms (Eerdmans Commentary, 2019)
 Ross, Psalms (Bible Knowledge Commentary, 2018)
 Selderhuis, Psalms, 1-72, 73-150 (Reformation Commentary, 2015-18)
Stackhouse, Praying Psalms (2018)
 Thompson, Psalms 1-72 (New Beacon Bible Commentary, 2015)
 Villanueva, Psalms 73-150 (Asia Bible Commentary, 2022)
 Waltke, Psalms as Christian Lament (historical commentary; selected psalms 5-7, 32, 38-39, 44, 102, 130, 143, 2014)
 Waltke, Psalms as Christian Praise (historical commentary; selected psalms 90-104, 2019)
 Waltner, Psalms (Believer's Church Commentary, 2006)
 Wilcock, Message of Psalms 1-7273-150 (Bible Speaks Today, 2023)



 Berry, Proverbs (American Commentary, 1904)
 Horton, Proverbs (Expositor's Bible, 1902)
 Martin, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes & Song of Songs (New Century Bible, 1908)
 Perowne, Proverbs (Cambridge Bible, 1899)
Toy, Proverbs (International Critical Commentary, 1899)


 Akin, Exalting Jesus in Proverbs (2017)
 Atkinson, Message of Proverbs (Bible Speaks Today, 2023)
 Bellis, Proverbs (Wisdom Commentary, 2018)
 Buzzell, Proverbs (Bible Knowledge Commentary, 2018)
 Fink, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Reformation Commentary, 2023)
 Fox, Proverbs 1-9, 10-31 (Anchor Bible Commentary, 2000, 2009)
 Goldingay, Proverbs (Commentaries for Christian Formation, 2023)
Goldingay, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone (2014)
 Hartley, Proverbs (New Beacon Bible Commentary, 2014)
 Hayes, Proverbs (New Collegeville Commentary, 2013)
 Lucas, Proverbs (Two Horizons Commentary, 2015)
 Martin, Proverbs (Old Testament Guides, 1995)
 Miller, Proverbs (Believer's Church Commentary, 2004)
 Plantinga-Pauw, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes (Belief: A Theological Commentary, 2015)
Schipper, Proverbs 1-15 (Hermeneia, 2019)
 Waltke, Proverbs 1-15, 15-31 (New International Commentary, 2004)
Wilson, Proverbs (Tyndale Commentaries, 2018)


Barton, Ecclesiastes (International Critical Commentary, 1908) 
 Cox, Ecclesiastes (Expositor's Bible, 1903).
Hengstenberg, Ecclesiastes (1860)

 Marshall, Ecclesiastes (American Commentary, 1904)
 Martin, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes & Song of Songs (New Century Bible, 1908)

 Plumptre, Ecclesiastes (Cambridge Bible, 1881)
Wright, Book of Koheleth (1883, commentary begins on p. 305)


Akin, Exalting Jesus in Ecclesiastes (2016)
 Duncan, Ecclesiastes (Abingdon OT Commentary, 2017)
 Fink, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Reformation Commentary, 2023)
Fox, Ecclesiastes (JPS Bible Commentary, 2004)
 Glenn, Ecclesiastes (Bible Knowledge Commentary, 2018)
 & Goldingay, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone (2014)
Gordis, Koheleth: The Man and His World (1951, commentary begins p. 193)
Heim, Ecclesiastes (Tyndale OT Commentary, 2019)
Holmstedt, Qoheleth: A Handbook on the Hebrew Text (2017)
 Kidner, Message of Ecclesiastes (Bible Speaks Today, 1989)
Kruger, Qoheleth (Hermeneia, 2004)
 Nowell, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther (New Collegeville Commentary, 2013)
 Plantinga-Pauw, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes (Belief: A Theological Commentary, 2015)
 Seow, Ecclesiastes (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1997)
 Turner, Ecclesiastes (Earth Bible Commentary, 2017)
Weeks, Ecclesiastes 1-5, 5-12 (International Critical Commentary, 2020, 2021)
 Wolfe, Qoheleth (Wisdom Commentary, 2020)

Song of Solomon


 Harper, Song of Solomon (Cambridge Bible, 1902)
 Martin, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes & Song of Songs (New Century Bible, 1908)


 Akin, Exalting Jesus in Song of Songs (2015)
 Bailey, Lamentations, Song of Songs (Believer's Church Commentary, 2015)
Barbiero, Song of Songs: A Close Reading (Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, 2011)
 Deere, Song of Songs (Bible Knowledge Commentary, 2018)
Duguid, Song of Songs (Tyndale OT Commentary, 2015)
 Fink, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Reformation Commentary, 2023)
 Gledhill, Message of the Song of Songs (Bible Speaks Today, 2023)
 & Goldingay, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone (2014)
 Good, Song of Songs, Codes of Love (2015)
Goulder, Song of Fourteen Songs (1986)
 Longman, Song of Songs (New International Commentary, 2001)
Murphy, Song of Songs (Hermeneia, 1990)
 Nowell, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther (New Collegeville Commentary, 2013)
 Pope, Song of Songs (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1977)
 Spencer, Song of Songs (Wisdom Commentary, 2016)
Watson, Song of Songs: A Contemplative Guide (2014)



Box, Isaiah (1909)
 Cheyne, Isaiah, 2 vols. in one (1892)
Delitzsch, Isaiah v.1, v.2 (1892)

Gray, Isaiah 1-27 (International Critical Commentary, 1912; Isaiah 28-66 was never published. See Williamson below for revised Isaiah 1-12 in ICC)
Ibn Ezra, Isaiah v.1, v.2, v.3 (1873-1877)
 Orelli, C. von, Isaiah (1889)

 Skinner, Isaiah 1-39, 40-66 (Cambridge Bible, 1930, 1906)
 Smith, Isaiah, 2 vols in 1 (Expositor's Bible, 1905)
Snaith, Isaiah 28-32 (Notes on Hebrew text, 1945)
 Urwick, Servant of Jehovah (Isaiah 52:13-53:12, 1877)

 Wade, Isaiah (Westminster Commentaries, 1911)
 Whitehouse, Isaiah 1-39, 40-66 (New Century Bible, 1917)


Baltzer, Deutero-Isaiah [Is. 40-55] (Hermeneia, 2001)
 Blenkinsopp, Isaiah 1-39, 40-55, 56-66 (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2000-2003)
Davis, Exalting Jesus in Isaiah (2017)
 Friesen, Isaiah (Believer's Church Commentary, 2009)
Goldingay, Isaiah 40-55, v.1v.2 (International Critical Commentary, 2006)
 & Goldingay, Isaiah for Everyone (2009)
 Goldingay, Message of Isaiah 40-55, A Literary-Theological Commentary (2006) 
 Hoppe, Isaiah (New Collegeville Commentary, 2015)

 Kim, Reading Isaiah (2016) 
 McConville, Isaiah (Baker Commentary, 2023)
 McKenzie, Second Isaiah (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1968)
Motyer, Isaiah (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2009)
Roberts, First Isaiah [Is. 1-39] (Hermeneia, 2015)
 Sawyer, Isaiah through the Centuries (Wiley Blackwell Bible Commentaries, 2017)
 Stacey, Isaiah 1-39 (2018)
Wegner, Isaiah (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2021)
 Williams, Kingdom of our God: Isaiah (2019)
Williamson, Isaiah 1-5, 6-12 (International Critical Commentary, 2006, 2018)


 Bennett, Jeremiah, ch. 21-52 (Expositor's Bible, 1902)
 Ball, Jeremiah (1899)
 Brown, Jeremiah (American Commentary, 1907)
Driver, Jeremiah (1906)
 Orelli, The Prophecies of Jeremish (1889)
 Peake, Jeremiah and Lamentations, v.1, v.2 (Century Bible, 1910)
 Streane, Jeremiah and Lamentations (Cambridge Bible, 1883)

 Carvalho, Reading Jeremiah (2016)
 Diamond and Clines, Jeremiah and Lamentations (Eerdmans Commentary, 2019)
 Goldingay, Book of Jeremiah (New International Commentary, 2021)
 & Goldingay, Jeremiah for Everyone (2015)
 Hays, Jeremiah and Lamentations (Teach the Text Commentary, 2016)
Holladay, Jeremiah v.1, v.2 (Hermeneia, 1986, 1989)
 Kaiser, Walking Ancient Paths: Jeremiah (2019)
Lalleman-de Winkel, Jeremiah and Lamentations (Tyndale OT commentaries, 2013)
 Lundbom, Jeremiah 1-20, 21-36, 37-52 (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary (1999, 2004)
 Martens, Jeremiah (Believer's Church Commentary, 1986)
Smith, Exalting Jesus in Jeremiah, Lamentations (2019)
 Tyler, Jeremiah, Lamentations (Reformation Commentary, 2018)
 Viviano, Jeremiah, Baruch (New Collegeville Commentary, 2013)
Waard de, Handbook on Jeremiah ([on textual issues only, passage by passage], 2003)
Wright, Message of Jeremiah (Bible Speaks Today, 2014)



Greenup, Lamentations (1893)
 Peake, Jeremiah and Lamentations (Century Bible, 1910)
 Streane, Jeremiah and Lamentations (Cambridge Bible, 1883)


 Allen, A Liturgy of Grief: A Pastoral Commentary on Lamentations (2011)
 Bailey, Lamentations, Song of Songs (Believer's Church Commentary, 2015)
 Diamond and Clines, Jeremiah and Lamentations (Eerdmans Commentary, 2019)
 Goldingay, Book of Lamentations (New International Commentary, 2022)
​ & Goldingay, Lamentations and Ezekiel for Everyone (2016)
 Hays, Jeremiah and Lamentations (Teach the Text Commentary, 2016)
 Hens-Piazza, Lamentations (Wisdom Commentary, 2017)
 Hillers, Lamentations (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1972)
Lalleman-de Winkel, Jeremiah and Lamentations (Tyndale OT commentaries, 2013)
 Nowell, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther (New Collegeville Commentary, 2013)

Rah, Prophetic Lament (2015)
Salters, Lamentations (International Critical Commentary, 2010)
Smith, Exalting Jesus in Jeremiah, Lamentations (2019)
 Tyler, Jeremiah, Lamentations (Reformation Commentary, 2018)
Wright, Message of Lamentations (Bible Speaks Today, 2015)



 Davidson, Ezekiel (Cambridge Bible, 1893)
 Lofthouse, Ezekiel (Westminster Commentaries, 1907)
 Matthews, Ezekiel (American Commentary, 1939)

 Redpath, Ezekiel (Westminster Commentaries, 1907)
 Skinner, Ezekiel (Expositor's Bible, 1903)
Schröder, Ezekiel (1899)
 Toy, Ezekiel (1899)


 Beckwith, Ezekiel, Daniel (Reformation Commentary, 2012)
 Carvalho, Ezekiel, Daniel (New Collegeville Commentary, 2012)
 Cook, Ezekiel 38-48 (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2018) 
Dowden, Exalting Jesus in Ezekiel (2015)
 & GoldingayLamentations and Ezekiel for Everyone (2016)
 Greenberg, Ezekiel 1-20, 21-37 (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1983, 1997)
 Lind, Ezekiel (Believer's Church Commentary, 1996)
 Odell, Ezekiel (Smyth & Helwys Commentary, 2017)
 Sweeney, Reading Ezekiel (2013)
Taylor, Ezekiel (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 1969)
Zimmerli, Ezekiel v.1, v.2 (Hermeneia, 1979, 1983)



Bevan, Short Commentary on the Book of Daniel (1892)
Charles, Critical Commentary on Daniel (1929)
 Charles, Daniel (New Century Bible, 1913)

 Driver, Daniel (Cambridge Bible, 1905)
Montgomery, Daniel (International Critical Commentary, 1927)
 Murphy, Daniel (1885)

 Prince, Daniel (1899)


 Akin, Exalting Jesus in Daniel (2017)
Baldwin, Daniel (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 1978)
 Beckwith, Ezekiel, Daniel (Reformation Commentary, 2012)
 Carvalho, Ezekiel, Daniel (New Collegeville Commentary, 2012)
Collins, Daniel (Hermeneia, 1993)
Davis, Message of Daniel (Bible Speaks Today, 2013)

Endgame : A New Commentary on the Book of Daniel (2021)
 & Goldingay, Daniel and the Twelve Prophets for Everyone (2016)
 Hartman, Daniel (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1978)
House, Daniel (Tyndale Commentaries, 2018)
LaCocque, The Book of Daniel, 2nd ed. (2018)
 Lederach, Daniel (Believer's Church Commentary, 1994)
 Nelson, Daniel (Understanding the Bible Commentary, 2013)
 Newsom, Daniel (Old Testament Library, 2014)
 Pierce, Daniel (Teach the Text Commentary, 2015)
 Provan, Daniel (Eerdmans Commentary, 2019)
 Wells, Esther & Daniel (Brazos Theological Commentary, 2013)

Minor Prophets


 Driver, Minor Prophets (New Century Bible, 1906)
 Eiselen, Minor Prophets (1907)

Mitchell, Smith, Bewer, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Jonah (International Critical Commentary, 1912)
Smith, Micah, Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Obadiah, Joel (International Critical Commentary, 1911)
von Orelli, Minor Prophets (1897)


 Collins, Joel, Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi​ (New Collegeville Commentary, 2013)
 Dempsey, Amos, Hosea, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk (New Collegeville Commentary, 2013)
 Fretheim, Reading Hosea-Micah (Literary & Theological Commentary, 2013)

 & Goldingay, Daniel and the Twelve Prophets for Everyone (2016)
 Goldingay, Hosea-Micah (Baker Commentary, 2021)
Redmond, Exalting Jesus in Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk (2016)
 Reed, Hosea through Malachi (Beacon Bible Commentary, 1966)
 Tuell, Reading Nahum to Malachi (Literary & Theological Commentary, 2016)

Hosea, Joel, Amos



 Cheyne, Hosea (Cambridge Bible, 1899)
Harper, Amos and Hosea (International Critical Commentary, 1910)
 Smith, Amos, Hosea and Micah (1914)


 Andersen, Hosea (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1980)
 Dearman, Hosea (New International Commentary, 2010)
 Guenther, Hosea, Amos (Believer's Church Commentary, 1998)
Hubbard, Hosea (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 1989)
 Lim, Hosea (Two Horizons Commentary, 2015)
 Moon, Hosea (Apollos OT Commentary, 2018)
Routledge, Hosea (Tyndale OT Commentaries, 2020)
Wolff, Hosea (Hermeneia, 1974)

See also Minor Prophets above



 Driver, Joel and Amos (Cambridge Bible, 1901)
 Wade, Micah, Obadiah, Joel and Jonah (Westminster Commentaries, 1925)


 Crenshaw, Joel (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1995)
 Epp-Tiessen, Joel, Obadiah, Micah (Believer's Church Bible Commentary, 2022)
Hadjiev, Joel and Amos (Tyndale OT Commentaries, 2020)
Hubbard, Joel and Amos (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2009)
 Nogalski, Joel, Obadiah and Jonah (New International Commentary, 2023)
 Shao, Joel, Nahum, and Malachi (Asia Bible Commentary, 2021)
Wolff, Joel and Amos (Hermeneia, 1977)

See also Minor Prophets above



 Driver, Joel and Amos (Cambridge Bible, 1901)
 Edghill, Amos (Westminster Bible Commentary, 1926)
Harper, Amos and Hosea (International Critical Commentary, 1910)

 Mitchell, Amos (1900)
 Smith, Amos, Hosea and Micah (1914)
 Snaith, Amos, Introduction, Commentary (1946)


 Carroll R, Book of Amos (New International Commentary, 2020)
Eidevall, Amos (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2017)
Guenther, Hosea, Amos (Believer's Church Commentary, 1998)
Hadjiev, Joel and Amos (Tyndale OT Commentaries, 2020)

Hubbard, Joel and Amos (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2009)
Paul, Amos (Hermeneia, 1991)
Wolff, Joel and Amos (Hermeneia, 1977)

See also Minor Prophets above

Obadiah, Jonah, Micah



 Perowne, Obadiah and Jonah (Cambridge Bible, 1898)
 Wade, Micah, Obadiah, Joel and Jonah (Westminster Commentaries, 1925)


Baker, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2009)
 Epp-Tiessen, Joel, Obadiah, Micah (Believer's Church Bible Commentary, 2022)
 Jenson, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah: A Theological Commentary (2008)
 Nogalski, Joel, Obadiah and Jonah (New International Commentary, 2023)
 Raabe, Obadiah (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1996)
Timmer, Obadiah, Jonah and Micah (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2021)

See also Minor Prophets above



 Kleinert, Jonah (Lange's Commentary, 1893)
 Perowne, Obadiah and Jonah (Cambridge Bible, 1898)
Snaith, Jonah (Notes on Hebrew text, 1945)

 Wade, Micah, Obadiah, Joel and Jonah (Westminster Commentaries, 1925)


Baker, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2009)
 Berger, Jonah in the Shadows of Eden (2016)
Bob, Jonah and the Meaning of our Lives (2016)
 Erickson, Jonah (Illuminations, 2021)
 Jenson, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah: A Theological Commentary (2008)
Niditch, Jonah (Hermeneia, 2023)
Nixon, Message of Jonah (Bible Speaks Today, 2003)
 Nogalski, Joel, Obadiah and Jonah (New International Commentary, 2023)
 Nowell, Jonah, Tobit, Judith (New Collegeville Commentary, 2015)
 Person, In Conversation with Jonah (1996)
 Roop, Ruth, Jonah, Esther (Believer's Church Commentary, 2002)
 Sasson, Jonah (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1974)
Timmer, Obadiah, Jonah and Micah (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2021)

 Tucker, Jonah: A Handbook on the Hebrew Text (2006)

See also Minor Prophets above



 Cheyne, Micah (Cambridge Bible, 1902)
 Margolis, Micah (Jewish Publication Soc., 1908)

 Smith, Amos, Hosea and Micah (1914)
 Wade, Micah, Obadiah, Joel and Jonah (Westminster Commentaries, 1925)


 Andersen, Micah (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2000)
Baker, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2009)
 Becking, Micah (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2023)
 Dempster, Micah (Two Horizons Commentary, 2017)
 Epp-Tiessen, Joel, Obadiah, Micah (Believer's Church Bible Commentary, 2022)
Hillers, Micah (Hermeneia, 1984)

 Jenson, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah: A Theological Commentary (2008)
 O'Brien, Micah (Wisdom Commentary, 2015)
 Smith-Christopher, Micah (Old Testament Library, 2015)
Timmer, Obadiah, Jonah and Micah (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2021)

See also Minor Prophets above

Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah



 Davidson, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah (Cambridge Bible, 1896)
 Stonehouse, Wade, Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk (Westminster Commentaries, 1929)


Baker, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 1988)
Christensen, Nahum (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2009)
 Gafney, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah (Wisdom Commentary, 2017)
 Renz, Books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah (New International Commentary, 2021)
 Shao, Joel, Nahum, and Malachi (Asia Bible Commentary, 2021)
Snyman, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah (Tyndale OT Commentaries, 2020)
See also Minor Prophets above



 Davidson, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah (Cambridge Bible, 1896)
 Kennedy, Habakkuk (1896)

 Stonehouse, Wade, Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk (Westminster Commentaries, 1929)


 Andersen, Habakkuk (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2001)
Baker, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 1988)
 Gafney, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah (Wisdom Commentary, 2017)
 Renz, Books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah (New International Commentary, 2021)
Snyman, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah (Tyndale OT Commentaries, 2020)

See also Minor Prophets above



 Davidson, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah (Cambridge Bible, 1896)
 Kennedy, Zephaniah (1900)

 Stonehouse, Wade, Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk (Westminster Commentaries, 1929)


Baker, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 1988)
 Berlin, Zephaniah (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1972)
Gafney, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah (Wisdom Commentary, 2017)
House, Zephaniah: A Prophetic Drama ([includes critical analysis and a close reading], 1989)
 Renz, Books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah (New International Commentary, 2021)
Snyman, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah (Tyndale OT Commentaries, 2020)
Sweeney, Zephaniah (Hermeneia, 2003)
See also Minor Prophets above

Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi



 Barnes, Haggai and Zechariah (Cambridge Bible, 1917)
 Dods, Whyte, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi (Handbooks for Bible Classes, 1912)
 Perowne, Haggai and Zechariah (Cambridge Bible, 1890)


Fyall, Message of Ezra & Haggai (Bible Speaks Today, 2016)
Hill, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2012)
 Jacobs, Books of Haggai and Malachi (New International Commentary, 2017)
 Myers, Haggai, Zechariah 1-8, 9-14 (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1987, 1993)

Petterson, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi (Apollos OT Commentary, 2015)
 Verhoef, Haggai and Malachi (New International Commentary, 1959)
See also Minor Prophets above 



 Barnes, Haggai and Zechariah (Cambridge Bible, 1917)
 Dods, Whyte, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi (Handbooks for Bible Classes, 1912)

Lowe, Hebrew Student's Commentary on Zechariah (1882, [also discusses LXX])
 Perowne, Haggai and Zechariah (Cambridge Bible, 1890)


 Boda, Zechariah (New International Commentary, 1989)
Hill, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2012)
 Myers, Haggai, Zechariah 1-8, 9-14 (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1987, 1993)
 Petterson, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi (Apollos OT Commentary, 2015)
Webb, Message of Zechariah (Bible Speaks Today, 2003)
See also Minor Prophets above




 Barnes, Malachi (Cambridge Bible, 1917)
 Dods, Whyte, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi (Handbooks for Bible Classes, 1912)
 Perowne, Malachi (Cambridge Bible, 1890)


 Adam, Message of Malachi (Bible Speaks Today, 2013)
Hill, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2012)
 Hill, Malachi (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1998)
 Jacobs, Books of Haggai and Malachi (New International Commentary, 2017)

 Petterson, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi (Apollos OT Commentary, 2015)
 Shao, Joel, Nahum, and Malachi (Asia Bible Commentary, 2021)
 Verhoef, Haggai and Malachi (New International Commentary, 1959)

See also Minor Prophets above

OT Apocrypha/Pseudepigrapha

 Bissell, Apocrypha of the Old Testament (Lange's Commentary, 1880)
 Muddiman, Apocrypha (Oxford Bible Commentary, 2012)
 Oesterley, Introduction to the Books of the Apocrypha (1935; not a commentary but excellent introductions to Apoc. and each book)
 Various Authors, Apocryphal Books: Esdras to Maccabees (1889)
 Wace, Apocrypha, v.1, v.2 (1888)

 Armenian Apocrypha Relating to Abraham (2012)

Aristeas, Letter of
White, Writings from the Greco-Roman World (2018; commentary begins p. 56)
Wright, Letter of Aristeas (2015)

Herzer, 4 Baruch (2005)
Kulik, 3 Baruch (2010)
 Moore, Daniel, Esther and Jeremiah: The Additions (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1977)
 Stone, 4 Ezra and 2 Baruch (Cross-references the two books, 2013)
 Viviano, Jeremiah, Baruch (New Collegeville Commentary, 2013)
 Wacker, Baruch and the Letter of Jeremiah (Wisdom Commentary, 2016)

Daniel (additions)
 Moore, Daniel, Esther and Jeremiah: The Additions (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1977)

Ecclesiasticus (Sirach)
 Corley, Sirach (New Collegeville Commentary, 2013)
Hart, Ecclesiastes (Textual commentary, 1909)
 Oesterley, Ecclesiasticus (Cambridge Bible, 1912)
 Schmidt, Ecclesiasticus (1903)
 Skehan, Wisdom of Ben Sira (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1987)
 Wilson, Wisdom of Sirach (Eerdmans Critical Commentary, 2023)

Nickelsburg, 1 Enoch v.1, v.2 (Hermeneia, 2001, 2012)
Schodde, Book of Enoch (1882)
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007)

Esther (additions)
 Moore, Daniel, Esther and Jeremiah: The Additions (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1977)

Ezra, Apocryphal
 Myers, I and II Esdras (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1974)
 Stone, 4 Ezra and 2 Baruch (Cross-references the two books, 2013)
Stone, Fourth Ezra (Hermeneia., 1990)

Jeremiah, Letter of
 Moore, Daniel, Esther and Jeremiah: The Additions (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1977)
 Wacker, Baruch and the Letter of Jeremiah (Wisdom Commentary, 2016)

Charles, Jubilees (1902)
VanderKam, Jubilees 1-21 (Hermeneia, 2018)

 Moore, Judith (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1985)
 Nowell, Jonah, Tobit, Judith (New Collegeville Commentary, 2015)
Wills, Judith (Hermeneia, 2019)

Levi, Testament of
Greenfield, The Aramaic Levi Document (2004)

I - II Maccabees

 Bartlett, I Maccabees (Guides to Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, 1998)
Doran, 2 Maccabees (Hermeneia, 2012)
 Fairweather, 1 Maccabees (Cambridge Bible, 1897)
 Goldstein, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1976, 1983)
 Harrington, First and Second Maccabees (New Collegeville Commentary, 2012)
Schwarz, 2 Maccabees (Commentaries on Early Jewish Literature, 2008)
Tedesche, Zeitlin, First Book of Maccabees ([includes Greek text], 1950)

Odes of Solomon
Lattke, Odes of Solomon (Hermeneia, 2009)
 Harris, An Early Christian Psalter (On the Odes, 1909)

Psalms of Solomon

Ryle, Psalms of the Pharisees (1891)

Murphy, Pseudo-Philo: Rewriting the Bible (1993)

 Macatangay, The Wisdom Instructions on the Book of Tobit (2011)
 Moore, Tobit (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1996)
 Nowell, Jonah, Tobit, Judith (New Collegeville Commentary, 2015)

Wisdom of Solomon
Deane, Book of Wisdom (1881)
Giszczak, Wisdom of Solomon (Catholic Commentary, 2024)
 Goodrick, Book of Wisdom (Oxford Bible Commentary, 1913)
 Gregg, Wisdom of Solomon (Cambridge Bible, 1909)
 Winston, Wisdom of Solomon (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1979)

Manuscript Fragment of the Gospel of John 16:22-30

Papyrus fragment - P. Oxy 208 John 16,22-30

P. Oxy 208 John 16,22-30