Grammar and Style
Contains high resolution images of the Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls and all the texts, in the original languages and in translation.
Dead Seas Scrolls Electronic library Non-Biblical texts (Brill) Contains high resolution images of the Non-Biblical Dead Sea Scroll fragments and all the texts, in the original languages and in translation.
"The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) is very proud to present the Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library, a free online digitized virtual library of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Hundreds of manuscripts made up of thousands of fragments – discovered from 1947 and until the early 1960’s in the Judean Desert along the western shore of the Dead Sea – are now available to the public online. The high resolution images are extremely detailed and can be accessed through various search options on the site."
Not a searchable index to DJD but it provides tables of contents to each volume to assist in the difficult task of discerning which text is in which volume. Click on each volume's title link.
Syntax of Qumran Hebrew (Muraoka, 2020)
Manuscripts Online
Manuscript Catalogues
Manuscript Collections
Texts of the NT
Modern editions
Manuscripts and pre-1900 editions
Marcion's NT Text
Allusions in the Fathers
NT Textual Criticism
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) [create a personal account or log into it, upper right] || Video Tutorials for TLG
Database in Greek of all known ancient Greek writings up to 600 A.D. Allows the user to search for Greek words or phrases as they were used in a particular writer or work or time period, resulting in excerpts, a few lines long, of all passages that embody the particular word(s) that have been searched.
Note that when you first log into TLG, you will be asked to set up a free personal account. Every time you go back to TLG, you will need to log in again, using the login screen at the top right of the initial TLG page.
There is no English translation included with TLG.
Loeb Classical Library - Electronic texts of Greek and Latin authors, with English translations on opposing pages. This is the entire collection
Many Loeb volumes are public domain and thus available in open access full text. Links to available volumes - Listed in series number order. (In most cases, the "Archive" link is more reliable than the "Google" link.) Wikipedia Index to Loeb volumes by author.
"Monastica is an open access digital platform for research on the transmission of the so called Sayings of the Desert Fathers, known in Greek as the Apophthegmata Patrum and in Latin as the Verba Seniorum, as well as closely related early monastic literature. It is a dynamic library of texts as well as a complex relational database and advanced tools for scholarly collaboration in gathering, analysing, visualizing, publishing and sharing the complex fluid textual tradition of the Sayings of the Desert Fathers in multiple languages."
For all of the Oxyrhynchus Papyri as photo images of the manuscripts see https://portal.sds.ox.ac.uk/search?groups=35280&contentTypes=project.
NT Allusions
Early Christianity - Reference
Fathers - Texts
Note that open access (no login required) versions of the PG volumes are available at http://patristica.net/graeca/ or https://www.roger-pearse.com/weblog/patrologia-graeca-pg-pdfs/. For the contents of each volume, use the index at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrologia_Graeca
The Patrologia Latina comprises the works of the Church Fathers from Tertullian in 200 AD to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216. The database contains the complete Patrologia Latina, including all prefatory material, original texts, critical apparatus and indexes. Migne's column numbers, and essential references for scholars are included.
Note that there is a version of these writings available without a password, though it is simply text with no search capability: http://www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu/25_10_40-_Imagines.html or https://www.roger-pearse.com/weblog/patrologia-latina-pl-volumes-available-online/. Go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrologia_Latina for a table of contents, by author, to the published volumes.
Also search the library collection by author --> Name of a church father.
Patristic Greek Lexicon (Lampe)
Index Thomisticus - A searchable index to all the works of Thomas Aquinas in Latin
Land Acknowledgement
Trinity Western University's Langley campus is located on the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Stó:lō people. We are grateful for the opportunity to live, work, and learn on this land.