Religious Studies Resources

A Guide to E-Reference Sources, Journal Databases, and other Resources in Religion.

Start with These Databases

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Database Tutorials

The new Atla Religion Database Interface
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Other Databases

Christianity Today Digital Library

Digital access to the entire run of Christianity Today (1956 - ), as well as Christian History (1982-2008), Books & Culture (1995-2016), The Behemoth (2014-2016), and Leadership Journal (1980-2016). Unfortunately, the product does not work with a proxy server, so a username/password is required. Contact for the needed credentials. Note that your request must come from a TWU e-mail address - faculty, staff or student.

BAS Library (Biblical Archaeology Society)

A collection of books, an encyclopedia, and journals from the Biblical Archaeology Society. Journals include Biblical Archaeology Review, Bible Review, and Archaeological Odyssey.

Find Journals to which the Library Subscribes

TWU Journal Finder

It is possible to identify and locate the content or journals to which we subscribe. On the library home page, you will find Library One Search. Choose the Journals tab and type in the name of the journal you are seeking.

Finding articles in Library OneSearch search box

Interlibrary Loan

If you don't find the journal you want, you can use interlibrary loan through the link above (free to students, faculty and staff of TWU). There is no charge for this service. Note that login is the barcode on your student/library card, entered twice.