The library has numerous biblical commentaries in print and in electronic form. This guide lists commentaries available in electronic form. Some require a library login.
- Critical commentary [Advanced level; comments on biblical original languages]
- Mid-range [Accessible by those who lack knowledge of biblical languages; focuses on exegesis of the text]
- Popular [Lay level; emphasis on explanation of the biblical text]
- Devotional [Application of the biblical text]
For an excellent guide to the best commentaries and commentary series, book by book, go to
Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges (late 1800s to early 1900s)
Meyer, Commentary on the New Testament, (11 vols. Scroll down for links to individual vols, 1883-95)
Lightfoot, J.B. Notes on the Epistles of Paul (1895)
Nichol, W. Robertson, ed., Expositor's Greek Testament, v.1-2, v.3, v.4, v.5 (1902-1910)
Vincent, Word Studies in the New Testament, v.1(Synoptics, Acts, Peter, James, Jude), v.2 (Writings of John), v.3 (Romans, Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon), v.4 (Thessalonians, Galatians, Pastorals, Hebrews) (1887-1900)
Collins, Wesley One-Volume Commentary: New Testament (2020)
Duvall, Baker Illustrated Bible Background Commentary (2020)
Eaton, Branch Exposition of the Bible: A Preacher’s Commentary of the New Testament (2020)
Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible (2003)
Keener, IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament (2014)
Muddiman, Oxford Bible Commentary (2007)
Segovia/Sugirtharaj, Post-Colonial Commentary on the NT Writings (2009)
Strack/Billerbeck, Commentary on the NT from the Talmud and Midrash: v.1, Matthew; v.2, Mark-Acts; v.3, Romans-Revelation (2021-22) [Note that German ed. was published 1924-1961]
Oesterly, Gospel Parables (Jewish Background, 1936)
MacDonald, Two Shipwrecked Gospels: The Logoi of Jesus...(2012)
Muddiman, The Gospels (Oxford Bible Commentary, 2010)
Robinson, Critical Edition of Q (Hermeneia, 2000)
Valantasis, New Q: A Translation with Commentary (2005)
Wilkins, Gospels and Acts (Holman Apologetics Commentary, 2013)
Allen, Matthew (International Critical Commentary, 1907)
Bacon, Studies in Matthew (less a commentary than an intro to Matt. & synoptic relationships, 1930)
Broadus, Matthew (1886)
Carr, Matthew (Cambridge Bible, 1881)
Carr, Matthew (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1881)
Gibson, Matthew (1901)
McNeile, Matthew ([Greek text] 1915)
Plummer, Matthew (1910)
Robertson, A.T. Matthew (1911)
Robinson, Matthew (Moffatt NT Commentary, 1928)
Slater, Matthew (New Century Bible, 1906)
Sloman, Matthew (1890, commentary begins p. 73)
Smith, Matthew (Westminster NT, 1908)
Slater, Matthew (Century Bible, 1901)
Allen, Matthew (Fortress Biblical Preaching Commentaries, 2013)
Betz, Sermon on the Mount/Plain (Hermeneia, 1995)
Brown, Matthew (Teach the Text Commentary, 2015)
Brown, Matthew (Two Horizons Commentary, 2018)
Card, Matthew: The Gospel of Identity (Biblical Imagination Series, 2013)
Case-Winters, Matthew (Belief: A Biblical Commentary, 2015)
Culpepper, Matthew: A Commentary (New Testament Library, 2021)
Evans, Matthew (New Cambridge, 2012)
France, Matthew (New International Commentary, 2007)
Gardner, Matthew (Believer's Church Commentary, 1991)
Green, Message of Matthew (Bible Speaks Today, 2000)
Jarvis, Matthew, v.1 [1-13], v.2 [14-28] (Feasting on the Gospels, 2013)
Keener, Matthew (IVP NT Commentary, 2011)
Konradt, Matthew (2020)
Lee, Matthew (Reformation Commentary, 2021)
Luz, Matthew 1-7, 8-20, 21-28 (Hermeneia, 2001-2007)
Pennington, Sermon on the Mount ([Commentary], 2017)
Powell, Matthew (Interpretation Bible Commentary, 2023)
Quarles, Matthew (Exegetical Guide to the New Testament, 2017)
Reeves, Matthew (Story of God Bible Commentary, 2017)
Williams, Matthew (Church's Bible - comments from church fathers, 2018)
Wilson, Matthew 1-13, 14-28 (Eerdmans Critical Commentary, 2022)
Allen, Mark (Oxford Church Biblical Commentary, 1915)
Bartlet, Mark (New Century Bible, 1917)
Broadus, Mark (1905)
Chadwick, Mark (Expositor's Bible, 1905)
Drew, Mark (1905, Notes on the Greek text begin p. 61)
Gould, Mark (International Critical Commentary, 1896)
Hort, Mark, (1902)
Maclear, Mark (Cambridge Bible, 1892)
Maclear, Mark (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1889)
Menzies, The Earliest Gospel...Mark (1901)
Meyer, Mark and Luke (Critical Exegetical Commentary, 1880)
Plummer, Mark (Cambridge Bible, 1915)
Plummer, Mark (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1926)
Salmond, Mark (Century Bible, 1901)
Swete, Mark (on Greek text, 1927)
Weidner, Mark (1881)
Akin, Exalting Jesus in Mark (2014)
Bobertz, Gospel of Mark: A Liturgical Reading (2016)
Carter, Mark (Wisdom Commentary, 2019)
Cole, Mark (Tyndale NT Commentary, 1961)
Collins, Mark (Hermeneia, 2007)
Dowd, Reading Mark ([Literary/Theological], 2000)
English, Message of Mark (Bible Speaks Today, 2020)
Fenton, Finding the Way through Mark (1995)
Geddert, Mark (Believer's Church Commentary, 2001)
Jarvis, Mark (Feasting on the Gospels, 2014)
Keown, Jesus in a World of Colliding Empires: Mark 1:1-8:29, 8:30-16:8 (2018)
Lane, Mark (New International Commentary, 1974)
Marcus, Mark 1-8, 8-16 (Anchor Bible Commentary, 2000)
Osborne, Mark (Teach the Text Commentary, 2014)
Schnabel, Mark (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 2017)
Stein, Jesus, the Temple...Commentary on Mark 13 (2014)
Tan, Mark (New Covenant Commentary, 2015)
van Iersel, Mark: A Reader-Response Commentary (1998)
Williams, Mark (Exegetical Guide on the New Testament, 2020)
Adeney, Luke (New Century Bible, 1924)
Burton, Luke (Expositor's Bible, 1890)
Carr, Luke (Notes on the Greek Testament, 1875)
Easton, Luke (Expositor's Bible, 1926)
Farrar, Luke (Cambridge Bible, 1888)
Farrar, Luke (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1894)
Garvie, Luke (Westminster NT, 1911)
Godet, Luke (1881)
Lindsay, Luke, 1-12, 13-24 (Handbooks for Bible Classes, 1887)
Meyer, Mark and Luke (Critical Exegetical Commentary, 1880)
Plummer, Luke (International Critical Commentary, 1922)
Ragg, Luke (Westminster Commentaries, 1922)
Witham, Luke (1922)
Anyabwile, Exalting Jesus in Luke (2017)
Betz, Sermon on the Mount/Plain (Hermeneia, 1995)
Bock, Luke (IVP NT Commentary, 2010)
Bovon, Luke v.1, v.2, v.3 (Hermeneia, 2002, 2012, 2013)
Chen, Luke (New Covenant Commentary, 2017)
Edwards, Luke (Pillar NT Commentary, 2015)
Fitzmyer, Luke 1-9, 10-24 (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1985, 2000)
Gadenz, Gospel of Luke (Catholic Commentary, 2018)
Green, Gospel of Luke (New International Commentary, 1997)
Jarvis, Luke, v.1 [1-11], Luke, v.2 [12-24] (Feasting on the Gospels, 2013-14)
Knight, Luke's Gospel (NT Readings, 1998)
Kreitzer, Luke (Reformation Commentary, 2015)
Manetsch, Luke (Reformation Commentary, 2015)
Morris, Luke (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, 2008)
Osborne, Luke Verse by Verse (2018)
Parsons, Luke (Paideia, 2015)
Perrin, Luke (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, 2022)
Pervo, Luke (Scholar's Bible, 2014)
Reid, Luke 1-9, 10-24 (Wisdom Commentary, 2021)
Schertz, Luke (Believers Church Commentary, 2023)
Spencer, Luke (Two Horizons Commentary, 2019)
Talbert, Reading Luke (Literary/Theological, 2002)
Thompson, Luke (Exegetical Guide to the Greek NT, 2016)
Wilcock, Message of Luke (Bible Speaks Today, 1997)
Bernard, Gospel of John, v.1 & v.2 (International Critical Commentary, 1929)
Dods, John, v.1, v.2 (Expositor's Bible, 1902, 1905)
Godet, John, v.1, v..2, v.3 (1899-1900)
Hengstenberg, John, v.1, v.2 (1879)
Hovey, John (American Commentary on the NT, 1885)
Lightfoot, J.B. John, a Newly Discovered Commentary (2015, text from 1800s)
MacGregor, John (Moffatt NT Commentary, 1928)
McClymont, St. John (Century Bible, 1901)
Meyer, John, v.1, v.2 (1874-75)
Milligan & Moulton, John (1883)
Murray, Jesus according to John (1936)
Plummer, John (Cambridge Bible, 1881)
Plummer, John (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1896)
Westcott, John (1894)
Beutler, Commentary on the Gospel of John (2017)
Brodie, Gospel of John (a literary and theological commentary, 1997)
Brown, John 1-12, 13-21 (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1966, 1970)
Brown, John 13-21 (Reformation Commentary, 2021)
Bruner, Gospel of John (2012)
Beutler, John (2017)
Card, John: The Gospel of Wisdom (2014)
Coloe, John 1-10, 11-21 (Wisdom Commentary, 2021)
Daly-Denton, John (Earth Bible Commentary, 2017)
Farmer, John 1-12 (Reformation Commentary, 2014))
Ford, Gospel of John: A Theological Commentary (2021)
Haenchen, John, v.1, v.2 (Hermeneia, 1984)
Harris, John (Exegetical Guide to Greek NT, 2015)
Jarvis, John, v.1 [1-9], John, v.2 [10-21] (Feasting on the Gospels, 2015)
Kanagaraj, John (New Covenant Commentary, 2013)
Kruse, John (Tyndale NT Commentary, 2017)
Lewis, Gospel according to John and the Johannine Epistles (New Collegeville Commentary, 2016)
Lewis, John (Fortress Preaching Commentaries, 2015)
Lightfoot, R.H. St. John's Gospel (1957)
Martin, John (Catholic Commentary, 2015)
Mayfield, Earle,, John, Acts (Beacon Bible Commentary, 1965)
McHugh, John 1-4 (International Critical Commentary, 2009)
Michaels, John (New International Commentary, 2010)
Milne, Message of John (Bible Speaks Today, rev. 2020)
Novakovic, John 1-10, 11-21 (Baylor Handbook on the Greek NT, 2020)
Osborne, John Verse by Verse (2018)
Tasker, John (Tyndale NT Commentary, 1960)
Thompson, John (New Testament Library, 2015)
Titus, Message of the Fourth Gospel (1957)
Whitacre, John (IVP NT Commentary, 2010)
Abbott, Acts (1876)
Bartlet, Acts (Century Bible, 1901)
Brunside, Acts (on Greek text, 1916)
Foakes-Jackson, Acts (Moffatt NT Commentary, 1931)
Foakes-Jackson, The Beginnings of Christianity, Part 1, Acts, v.1, v.2, v.3, v.4, v.5 (1920-1933. Comprehensive analysis of themes in Acts. Vol. 4 is the commentary proper)
Gloag, Acts, v.1, v.2 (1870)
Knowling, Acts (Expositor's Greek Testament, 1900)
Lightfoot, Acts of the Apostles (2014, text from author's lectures and notes written in the late 1800s)
Lindsay, Acts 1-12, 13-28 (Handbooks for Bible Classes, 1884)
Lumby, Acts (Cambridge Bible, 1888)
Lumby, J.R. Acts (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1885, or PDF download)
Meyer, Acts, v.1, v.2 (1877)
Page, Acts (on the Greek text, 1897)
Rackham, Acts (Westminster Commentaries, 1925)
Rendall, Acts (1897)
Rice, Acts (1900)
Stokes, Acts, v.1, v.2 (Expositor's Bible, 1891-1892)
Barrett, Acts: A Shorter Commentary (abridgement of ICC volume, 2002))
Bock, Acts (Baker Exegetical Commentary, 2007)
Cho, Acts 1-12, 13-28 (New Covenant Commentary, 2019)
Chung-Kim, Acts (Reformation Commentary, 2013)
Conzelmann, Acts (Hermeneia, 1987)
Dunn, Acts (2016)
Faw, Acts (Believers' Church Commentary, 1993)
Fitzmyer, Acts (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1998)
Gardiner, Acts of the Apostles (1957)
Garland, Acts (Teach the Text Commentary, 2017)
Holladay, Acts (New Testament Library, 2016)
Immanuel, Acts (India Commentary, 2017)
Jennings, Acts (Belief, 2017)
Kellum, Acts (Exegetical Guide to Greek NT, 2020)
Kurz, Acts (Catholic Commentary, 2013)
Larkin, Acts (IVP NT Commentary, 2011)
Marshall, Acts (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, 2008)
Mayfield, Earle,, John, Acts (Beacon Bible Commentary, 1965)
Merida, Exalting Jesus in Acts (2017)
Palmer, Acts (Caribbean context, 2020)
Pervo, Acts (Hermeneia, 2008)
Pinter, Acts (Story of God Bible Commentary (2019)
Ruis-Camps, Message of Acts in Codex Bezae, 6-12; 13-18:23, 18:24-28 (2004-2009). V.1 available in the library in print only: BS2625.52 .R58 2004 v.1 copy 1
Schreiner, Acts (Christian Standard Commentary, 2022)
Stott, Message of Acts (Bible Speaks Today, 2020)
Talbert, Reading Acts (2018)
Thompson, Acts (New Beacon Bible Commentary, 2015)
Trainor, Acts (Earth Bible Commentary, 2020)
Wilkins, Gospels and Acts (Holman Apologetics Commentary, 2013)
Beet, Romans (1900)
Calvin, Romans (1849)
Denney, Romans (Expositor's Greek Testament, 1900)
Edwards, Jonathan, Power of God (2013, text from 1700s)
Garvie, Romans (Century Bible, 1901)
Godet, Romans, v.1, v.2 (1880)
Hodge, Romans (1880)
Liddon, Romans (1893)
Moule, Romans (Cambridge Bible, 1918)
Parry, Romans (1921)
Plumer, Romans (1871)
Sanday, Headlam, Romans (International Critical Commentary, 1902)
Shedd, Romans (1879)
St. John Parry, R. Romans (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1912)
Williams, Romans (1902)
Adams, Romans 1-8 (Reformation Commentary, 2019)
Bird, Romans (Story of God Bible Commentary, 2015)
Bruce, Romans (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, 2008)
Bruner, Romans: A Short Commentary (2021)
Crisler, Intertextual Commentary on Romans v.1 (ch. 1-4), v.2 (ch. 5-8), v.3 (ch. 9-11) [2021- incomplete]
Fesko, Romans (Lectuo Coninua, 2018)
Garland, Romans (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, 2021)
Gorman, Romans: A Theological and Pastoral Commentary (2022)
Hahn, Romans (Catholic Commentary, 2017)
Harvey, Romans (Exegetical Guide to the Greek NT, 2017)
Heil, Romans (2020)
Hiatt, Introduction to Romans (Free download, 2014)
Jewett, Romans (Hermeneia, 2007)
Krey, Romans 9-16 (Reformation Commentary, 2016)
Kruse, Romans (Pillar NT Commentary, 2012)
Lancaster, Romans (Belief: A Theological Commentary, 2015)
Leenhardt, Romans (Foundations in NT Critiicsm, 2022)
Longenecker, Romans (New International Greek Testament Commentary, 2016)
Osborne, Romans Verse by Verse (2017)
Peterson, Romans (Biblical Theology for Christian Proclamation Commentary, 2017)
Porter, Romans (Baylor Handbooks on the Greek NT, 2023)
Rodriguez, If You Call Yourself a Jew (2014)
Schreiner, Romans (Baker Exegetical Commentary, 2nd ed., 2018)
Sherwood, Romans : A Structural, Thematic, and Exegetical Commentary (2020)
Spurgeon, Andrew. Romans (Asia Bible Commentary, 2020)
Stott, Message of Romans (Bible Speaks Today, 2020)
Toews, Romans (Believers' Church Commentary, 2004)
1 Corinthians
Dods, 1 Corinthians (Expositor's Bible, 1889)
Edwards, First Corinthians (1885)
Ellicott, First Corinthians (1889)
Findlay, First Corinthians (Expositor's Greek Testament, 1900)
Godet, First Corinthians 1-8, 9-16 (1889)
Goudge, First Corinthians (Westminster Commentaries, 1911)
Hodge, First Epistle to the Corinthians (1874)
Lias, 1 Corinthians (Cambridge Bible, 1881)
Lias 1 Corinthians (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1905)
Moffatt, First Corinthians (1938)
Parry, 1 Corinthians (Cambridge Bible, 1916)
Robertson, Plummer, First Corinthians (International Critical Commentary, 1911)
Adewuya, 1 Corinthians: A Pastoral Commentary (2019)
Bender, 1 Corinthians (Brazos Theological Commentary, 2022)
Brock, Malady of the Christian Body (1 Corinthians 1-9, 2016)
Brock, Therapy of the Christian Body (1 Corinithians 10-16, 2018)
Campbell, 1 Corinthians (Belief: A Theological Commentary, 2017)
Conzelmann, 1 Corinthians (Hermeneia, 1975)
Fitzmyer, First Corinthians (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2008)
Gardner, 1 Corinthians (Zondervan Exegetical Commentary, 2018)
Holladay, First Corinthians (Living Word Commentary, 1979)
Manetsch, 1 Corinthians (Reformation Commentary, 2017)
Nighswander, 1 Corinthians (Believers Church Bible Commentary, 2017)
Oropeza, 1 Corinthians (New Covenant Commentary, 2017)
Prior, 1 Corinthians (Bible Speaks Today, 2020)
Schreiner, 1 Corinthians (Tyndale Commentaries, 2018)
Spurgeon, 1 Corinthians (Asia Commentary on the NT, 2017)
Taylor, 1 Corinthians (New American Commentary, 2014)
Tucker, Reading 1 Corinthians (2017)
2 Corinthians
Denney, Second Corinthians (Expositor's Bible, 1894)
Hodge, Second Epistle to the Corinthians (1862)
Lias, Second Epistle to the Corinthians (Cambridge Bible, 1897)
Lightfoot, 2 Corinthians and 1 Peter (2016; text from late 1800s)
Menzies, 2 Corinthians (1912)
Plummer, 2 Corinthians (Cambridge Bible, 1902)
Plummer, 2 Corinthians (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1903)
Plummer, Second Corinthians (International Critical Commentary, 1915)
Strachan, Second Corinthians (Moffatt Commentary, 1935)
Barnett, Message of Second Corinthians (Bible Speaks Today, 2020)
Barnett, Second Corinthians (New International Commentary, 1997)
Belleville, Second Corinthians (IVP NT Commentary, 2011)
Betz, 2 Corinthians 8 & 9 (Hermeneia, 1985)
Collins, Second Corinthians (Paideia, 2013)
Furnish, II Corinthians (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1984)
Guthrie, 2 Corinthians (Baker Exegetical Commentary, 2015)
Hubbard, 2 Corinthians (Teach the Text Commentary, 2017)
Kruse, 2 Corinthians (Exegetical Guide to the Greek NT, 2020)
Kruse, 2 Corinthians (Tyndale NT Commentaries, 2015)
Manetsch, 2 Corinthians (Reformation Commentary, 2022)
Oropeza, Exploring Second Corinthians (2016)
Seifrid, Second Corinthians (Pillar NT Commentary, 2014)
Shillington, 2 Corinthians (Believers' Church Commentary, 1998)
Thiselton, 2 Corinthians (2019)
Wire, 2 Corinthians (Wisdom Commentary, 2019)
1-2 Corinthians
Goudge, Corinthians, 1st , 2nd (Westminster Commentaries, 1915, 1927)
Gould, Corinthians (American Commentary, 1887)
Massie, Corinthians (New Century Bible, 1902)
Riggs, Reed, Corinthians (1922)
Baker et al, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians (Cornerstone, 2018)
Craig, Short, Filson, First and Second Corinthians (Interpreters Bible, 1953)
Keener, 1-2 Corinthians (New Cambridge, 2005)
Proctor, First and Second Corinthians (Westminster Bible Companion, 2015)
Adeney, Thessalonians and Galatians (New Century Bible, 1902)
Bacon, Galatians (1909)
Burton, Galatians (International Critical Commentary, 1921)
Calvin, Galatians and Ephesians (1854)
Eadie, Galatians (1883)
Ellicott, Galatians (1896)
Emmet, Galatians (1912)
Findlay, Galatians (Expositor's Bible, 1889)
Hovey, Galatians (American Commentary, 1890)
Lightfoot, J.B. Galatians (1899)
Luther, Galatians (1525)
Macgregor, Galatians (1881)
Meyer, Galatians (1884)
Perowne, Galatians (Cambridge Bible, 1894)
Ramsay, Historical Commentary on Galatians (1899)
Williams, Galatians (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1914)
Bedford, Galatians (Belief: A Theological Commentary, 2016)
Betz, Galatians (Hermeneia, 1972)
Bray, Galatians, Ephesians (Reformation Commentary, 2011)
Brunk, Galatians (Believers' Church Commentary, 2015)
Cole, Galatians (Tyndale NT Commentaries, 2008)
Cousar, Reading Galatians, Philippians, and 1 Thessalonians (2001)
deSilva, Galatians (New International Commentary, 2018)
Fung, Galatians (New International Commentary, 1989)
Greene-McCreight, Galatians (Brazos Theological Commentary, 2023)
Hansen, Galatians (IVP NT Commentary, 1994)
Heil, Galatians (2019, focus on chiastic structure)
Keener, Galatians (2019)
Martyn, Galatians (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1997)
Moo, Galatians (Baker Exegetical Commentary, 2013)
Oakes, Galatians (Paideia, 2015)
Osborne, Galatians Verse by Verse (2017)
Platt, Exalting Jesus in Galatians (2014)
Soardes, Galations (Smyth & Helwys Commentary, 2015)
Stott, Message of Galatians (Bible Speaks Today, 2020)
Vanhoye, Galatians (Catholic Commentary, 2019)
Williams, Galatians (New Covenant Commentary, 2020)
Witherup, Galatians: Life in the New Creation: A Spiritual-Pastoral Reading (2019)
Wright, Galatians (Commentaries for Christian Formation, 2021)
Abbott, Ephesians and Colossians (International Critical Commentary, 1902)
Calvin, Galatians and Ephesians (1854)
Candlish, Ephesians (Handbooks for Bible Classes, 1901)
Davies, Ephesians, Colossians and Philemon (1884)
Eadie, Ephesians (1861)
Ellicott, Ephesians (1885)
Findlay, Ephesians (Expositor's Bible, 1899)
Gore, Ephesians (1898)
Hodge, Ephesians (1878)
Lock, Ephesians (Westminster Commentary, 1929)
Martin, Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon (Century Bible, 1902)
Miller, Ephesians (1899)
Moule, Ephesians (Cambridge Bible, 1886)
Murray, Ephesians (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1914)
Robinson, Ephesians (1909)
Smith, Ephesians (American Commentary, 1890)
Westcott, Ephesians (1906)
Barth, M. Ephesians 1-3, 4-6 (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1974-1975)
Bock, Ephesians (Tyndale NT Commentaries, 2019)
Bray, Galatians, Ephesians (Reformation Commentary, 2011)
Campbell, Ephesians (Pillar NT Commentary, 2023)
Cohick, Ephesians (New International Commentary, 2020)
Comfort, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, Philemon (Cornerstone Biblical Commentary, 2008)
Foulkes, Ephesians (Tyndale NT Commentaries, 1963)
Heil, Ephesians (focus on chiastic structures, 2007)
Hoehner, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, Philemon (Cornerstone, 2008)
Kitchen, Ephesians (New Testament Readings, 2002)
Kuruvilla, Ephesians: A Theological Commentary for Preachers (2015)
Malina, Social Science Commentary on the Deutero-Pauline Letters (2013)
Merida, Exalting Jesus in Ephesians (2014)
Merkle, Ephesians (Exegetical Guide to the Greek NT, 2016)
Neufeld, Ephesians (Believers' Church Commentary, 2002)
Osborne, Ephesians Verse by Verse (2017)
Schnackenburg, Ephesians (2001)
Schüssler Fiorenza, Ephesians (Wisdom Commentary, 2017)
Stott, Message of Ephesians (Bible Speaks Today, 2020)
Thurston, Reading Colossians, Ephesians, and 2 Thessalonians (2007)
Wintle, Ephesians (Asia Bible Commentary, 2020)
Eadie, Philippians (1859)
Ellicott, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon (1857)
Lightfoot, J.B. Philippians (1888)
Martin, Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon (Century Bible, 1902)
Meyer, Philippians, Colossians & Philemon (1885)
Michael, Philippians (Moffatt Commentary, 1929)
Moule, Philippians (Cambridge Bible, 1889)
Moule, Philippians (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1897)
Newland, Philippians (1860, includes select commentary from church fathers)
Pidge, Philippians (American Commentary, 1890)
Plummer, Philippians (1919)
Rainy, Philippians (Expositor's Bible, 1893)
Robertson, Paul's Joy in Christ: Studies in Philippians (1917)
Vincent, Philippians and Philemon (International Critical Commentary, 1906)
Brown, Philippians (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, 2022)
Comfort, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, Philemon (Cornerstone Biblical Commentary, 2008)
Cousar, Reading Galatians, Philippians, and 1 Thessalonians (2001)
Fee, Philippians (New International Commentary, 1995)
Hamm, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon (Catholic Commentary, 2013)
Hellerman, Philippians (Exegetical Guide to the Greek NT, 2015)
Hoehner, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, Philemon (Cornerstone, 2008)
Hunsinger, Philippians (Brazos Theological Commentary, 2020)
Martin, An Early Christian Confession (Phil. 2: 5-11, 1960)
Migliore, Philippians and Philemon (Belief: A Theological Commentary, 2014)
Motyer, Message of Philippians (Bible Speaks Today, 2020)
Osborne, Philippians Verse by Verse (2017)
Reumann, Philippians (Anchor Yale Bible, 2008)
Strain, Philippians (Lectio Continua, 2019)
Tamez et al. Philippians, Colossians, Philemon (Wisdom Commentary, 2016)
Thompson, Philippians and Philemon (Paideia Commentaries, 2016)
Abbott, Ephesians and Colossians (International Critical Commentary, 1902)
Dargan, Colossians (American Commentary, 1890)
Davies, Ephesians, Colossians and Philemon (1884)
Eadie, Colossians (1884)
Ellicott, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon (1857)
Hackett, Philemon (1860)
Harvey, Pastoral Epistles and Philemon (American Commentary, 1890)
Lightfoot, J.B. Colossians and Philemon (1927)
Macphail, Colossians (Handbooks for Bible Classes, 1911)
Martin, Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon (Century Bible, 1902)
Meyer, Philippians, Colossians & Philemon (1885)
Moule, Colossians and Philemon (Cambridge Bible, 1906)
Radford, Colossians and Philemon (Westminster Commentaries, 1931)
Vincent, Philippians and Philemon (International Critical Commentary, 1906)
Williams, Colossians & Philemon (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1907)
Balabanski, Colossians (Earth Bible Commentary, 2020)
Barth, M. Colossians (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1994)
Beale, Colossians and Philemon (Baker Exegetical Commentary, 2019)
Comfort, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, Philemon (Cornerstone Biblical Commentary, 2008)
Davids, Colossians, Philemon (Cornerstone, 2008)
Fitzmyer, Philemon (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2000)
Foster, Colossians (Black's NT Commentaries, 2016)
Gatiss, 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon (Reformation Commentary, 2019)
Gupta, Colossians (Smyth & Helwys Commentary, 2013)
Hamm, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon (Catholic Commentary, 2013)
Hoehner, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, Philemon (Cornerstone, 2008)
Lohse, Colossians & Philemon (Hermeneia, 1971)
Lucas, Message of Colossians & Philemon (Bible Speaks Today, 2020)
Malina, Social Science Commentary on the Deutero-Pauline Letters (2013)
Martin, Colossians, Philemon (Believers' Church Commentary, 1993)
McKnight, Colossians (New International Commentary, 2018)
McKnight, Philemon (New International Commentary, 2000)
Migliore, Philippians and Philemon (Belief: A Theological Commentary, 2014)
Seitz, Colossians (Brazos Theological Commentary, 2014)
Tamez et al. Philippians, Colossians, Philemon (Wisdom Commentary, 2016)
Thompson, Colossians and Philemon (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, 2022)
Thompson, Philippians and Philemon (Paideia Commentaries, 2016)
Thurston, Reading Colossians, Ephesians, and 2 Thessalonians (2007)
Wintle, Colossians and Philemon (Asia Bible Commentary, 2019)
Adeney, Thessalonians and Galatians (New Century Bible, 1902)
Bicknell, Thessalonians (Westminster Commentaries, 1932)
Denney, Thessalonians (Expositor's Bible, 1900)
Eadie, Thessalonians (1877)
Ellicott, Thessalonians (1880)
Findlay, Thessalonians (Cambridge Bible, 1894)
Findlay, Thessalonians (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1904)
Frame, Thessalonians (International Critical Commentary, 1912)
Milligan, Thessalonians (1908)
Plummer, Thessalonians, 1st, 2nd (1918)
Stevens, Thessalonians (American Commentary, 1890)
Best, Thessalonians (Black's NT Commentaries, 2003)
Boring, Thessalonians (Old Testament Library, 2015)
Brookins, First and Second Thessalonians (Paideia, 2021)
Comfort, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, Philemon (Cornerstone Biblical Commentary, 2008)
Cousar, Reading Galatians, Philippians, and 1 Thessalonians (2001)
DiLorenzo, 1 & 2 Thessalonians (Belief, 2022)
Elias, Thessalonians (Believers' Church Commentary, 1995)
Eubank, First and Second Thessalonians (Catholic Commentary, 2019)
Farrow, 1 & 2 Thessalonians (Brazos Theological Commentary, 2020)
Fee, First and Second Thessalonians (New International Commentary, 2009)
Gatiss, 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon (Reformation Commentary, 2019)
Gillman, Beavis, 1-2 Thessalonians (Wisdom Commentary, 2016)
Gupta, 1-2 Thessalonians (New Covenant Commentary, 2016)
Hoehner, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, Philemon (Cornerstone, 2008)
Howell, Exalting Jesus in I and 2 Thessalonians (2015)
Johnson, 1 and 2 Thessalonians (Two Horizons Commentary, 2016)
Malherbe, Thessalonians (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2000)
Malina, Social Science Commentary on the Deutero-Pauline Letters (2013)
Marshall, 1 & 2 Thessalonians (Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible, 2022)
Menken, 2 Thessalonians (New Testament Readings, 1994)
Morris, 1 and 2 Thessalonians (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, 2009)
Osborne, I and 2 Thessalonians Verse by Verse (2018)
Stott, Message of 1&2 Thessalonians (Bible Speaks Today, 2021)
Thurston, Reading Colossians, Ephesians, and 2 Thessalonians (2007)
Weima, 1-2 Thessalonians (Baker Exegetical Commentary, 2014)
Bernard, J.H. Pastoral Epistles (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1899)
Brown, Pastoral Epistles (Westminster Commentaries, 1917)
Ellicott, Pastoral Epistles (1867)
Falconer, Pastoral Epistles (1937)
Harvey, Pastoral Epistles and Philemon (American Commentary, 1890)
Horton, Pastoral Epistles (New Century Bible, 1901)
Humphreys, Timothy and Titus (Cambridge Bible, 1897)
Huther, Timothy and Titus, Hebrews (1885)
Lilley, Pastoral Epistles (Handbooks for Bible Classes, 1901)
Lock, Pastoral Epistles (International Critical Commentary, 1924)
Parry, Pastoral Epistles (1920)
Plummer, Pastoral Epistles (Expositor's Bible, 1891)
Bray, Pastoral Epistles (International Theological Commentary, 2019)
Dibelius, Pastoral Epistles (Hermeneia, 1972)
Gatiss, 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon (Reformation Commentary, 2019)
Guthrie, Pastoral Epistles (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, 2009)
Hutson, First and Second Timothy and Titus (Paideia, 2019)
Jeon, 1 Timothy, v.1, v.2, v.3 (2017)
Jeon, 2 Timothy : Fight the Good Fight, Finish the Race, Keep the Faith [emphasis on chiastic structures] (2020)
Johnson, First and Second Timothy (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2001)
Kuruvilla, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus : A Theological Commentary for Preachers (2021)
Long, 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus (Theological Commentary, 2016)
Malina, Social Science Commentary on the Deutero-Pauline Letters (2013)
Padilla, Pastoral Epistles (Tyndale NT Commentaries, 2022)
Porter, Pastoral Epistles (2023)
Quinn, Titus (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1990)
Simpson, Pastoral Epistles (1954)
Spencer, 1 Timothy (New Covenant Commentary, 2014)
Stott, Message of 1 Timothy and Titus (Bible Speaks Today, 1996)
Stott, Message of 2 Timothy (Bible Speaks Today, 2021)
Towner, Timothy and Titus (New International Commentary, 2006)
Wall, 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus (Two Horizons Commentary, 2012)
Witherington, Letters and Homilies:Socio-Rhetorical Commentary: Titus, I-2 Timothy and 1-3 John (2006)
Yarbrough, Timothy and Titus (Pillar New Testament Commentary, 2018)
Zehr, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus (Believers' Church Commentary, 2010)
Cowles, Hebrews (1878)
Davidson, Hebrews (Handbooks for Bible Classes, 1882)
Edwards, Hebrews (Expositor's Bible, 1900)
Farrar, Hebrews (Cambridge Bible, 1902)
Farrar, Hebrews (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1893)
Gause, Hebrews: A Pentecostal commentary (2022)
Goodspeed, Hebrews (Bible for Home and School, 1908)
Huther, Timothy and Titus, Hebrews (1885)
Kendrick, Hebrews (American Commentary, 1889)
Lünemann, Hebrews (1882)
M'Caul, Hebrews (with reference to sources in Judaica, 1871)
Milligan, Hebrews (1876)
Moffatt, Hebrews (International Critical Commentary, 1924)
Nairne, Hebrews (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1922)
Peake, Hebrews (Century Bible, 1902)
Rendall, Hebrews (1883)
Vaughan, Hebrews (1890)
Westcott, Hebrews (1903)
Wickham, Hebrews (Westminster Commentary, 1910)
Attridge, Hebrews (Hermeneia, 1989)
Beavis, Hebrews (Wisdom Commentary, 2015)
Brown, Message of Hebrews (Bible Speaks Today, 2021)
Cockerill, Hebrews (New International Commentary, 2012)
Grindheim, Hebrews (Pillar NT Commentary, 2023)
Guthrie, Hebrews (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, 1983)
Harris, Hebrews (Exegetical Guide to the Greek NT, 2019)
Healy, Hebrews (Catholic Commentary, 2016)
Isaacs, Reading Hebrews and James (2002)
Koester, Hebrews (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2001)
Laansma, Letter to the Hebrews (2017)
Lamp, Hebrews (Earth Bible Commentary, 2020)
Malina, Social Science Commentary on the Deutero-Pauline Letters (2013)
Mohler, Exalting Jesus in Hebrews (2017)
Rittgers, Hebrews, James (Reformation Commentary, 2017)
Schreiner, Hebrews (Biblical Theology for Christian Proclamation Commentary, 2015)
Thompson, Preaching Hebrews and 1 Peter (2021)
Witherington, Letters and Homilies...Socio-Rhetorical Commentary...Hebrews, James, and Jude (2010)
Bennett, General Epistles (Century Bible, 1901)
Carr, Arthur, James (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1896)
Hort, James 1-4:7 (1909)
Huther, James, Peter, John & Jude (1887)
Knowling, James (Westminster Commentaries, 1904)
Mayor, James (1897)
Moffatt, James, Peter, Judas (Moffatt Commentary, 1928)
Plummer, James and Jude (Expositor's Bible, 1899)
Plumptre, James (Cambridge Bible, 1895)
Robertson, James (1915)
Ropes, James (International Critical Commentary, 1916)
Winkler, James (American Commentary, 1888)
Allison, James (International Critical Commentary, 2013)
Anderson/Keating, James, First, Second, and Third John (Catholic Commentary, 2017)
Dibelius, James (Hermeneia, 1976)
Hart, Letter of James (2018)
Isaacs, Reading Hebrews and James (2002)
Johnson, James (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries, 1995)
McKnight, Letter of James (New International Commentary, 2011)
Moffatt, James, Peter and Judas (Moffatt Commentary, 1928)
Moo. James (Pillar New Testament Commentary, 2021)
Moo, James (Tyndale NT Commentaries, 2009)
Moore-Keish, James (Belief: A Theological Commentary, 2019)
Motyer, Message of James (Bible Speaks Today, 1985)
Rittgers, Hebrews, James (Reformation Commentary, 2017)
Ross, Epistles of James and John (New International Commentary, 1954)
Samra, James, 1 & 2 Peter, and Jude (Teach the Text Commentary, 2016)
Stulac, James (IVP NT Commentary, 2011)
Vlachos, James (Exegetical Guide to the NT, 2013)
Witherington, Letters and Homilies...Socio-Rhetorical Commentary...Hebrews, James, and Jude (2010)
Bennett, General Epistles (Century Bible, 1901)
Bigg, Epistles of St. Peter and St. Jude (International Critical Commentary, 1902)
Blenkin, First Peter (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1914)
Hort, 1 Peter 1-2:17 (on Greek text, 1898)
Huther, James, Peter, John & Jude (1887)
James, M.R. Second Peter and Jude (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1912)
Lightfoot, 2 Corinthians and 1 Peter (2016; text from late 1800s)
Lumby, Epistles of St. Peter (Expositor's Bible, 1893)
Mayor, Jude and Second Peter (1897)
Moffatt, James, Peter and Judas (Moffatt Commentary, 1928)
Plummer, James and Jude (Expositor's Bible, 1899)
Plumptre, Peter and Jude (Cambridge Bible, 1893)
Williams, Epistles of Peter (American Commentary, 1888)
Achtemeier, 1 Peter (Hermeneia, 1996)
Callan, Acknowedging the Divine Benefactor (socio-rhetorical commentary of 2 Peter, 2015)
Clowney, Message of 1 Peter (Bible Speaks Today, 2021)
Edwards, 1 Peter (Story of God Bible Commentary, 2017)
Elliott, 1 Peter (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2000)
Feldmeier, First Letter of Peter (2008)
Forbes, 1 Peter (Exegetical Guide to the Greek NT, 2014)
Frey, Letter of Jude and Second Letter of Peter (2018)
Green, 2 Peter and Jude (Tyndale NT Commentaries, 2009)
Grudem, 1 Peter (Tyndale NT Commentaries, 2019)
Helm, 1 & 2 Peter and Jude (Preaching the Word, 2008)
Horrell, 1 Peter 1-2, 3-5 (International Critical Commentary, 2023)
Horrell, Peter and Jude (Epworth Commentaries, 1998)
Jobes, Yarbrough, Jipp, 1 Peter, 2nd ed. (Baker Exegetical Commentary, 2022)
Keener, 1 Peter: A Commentary (2021)
Lucas, Message of 2 Peter and Jude (Bible Speaks Today, 2021)
Mbuvi, Jude and 2 Peter (New Covenant Commentary, 2015)
Neyrey, 2 Peter, Jude (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 2004)
Perkins, 1-2 Peter and Jude (Wisdom Commentary, 2022)
Richard, Reading 1 Peter, Jude, and 2 Peter (Reading the New Testament, 2000)
Samra, James, 1 & 2 Peter, and Jude (Teach the Text Commentary, 2016)
Shaddix, Exalting Jesus in 2 Peter, Jude (2018)
Tamfu, 2 Peter and Jude (Africa Bible Commentary, 2018)
Thompson, Preaching Hebrews and 1 Peter (2021)
Uytanlet, 2 Peter and Jude (Asia Bible Commentary, 2023)
Waltner, I-2 Peter, Jude (Believers' Church Commentary, 1999)
Witherington, Letters and Homilies...Socio-Rhetorical Commentary...Hebrews, James, and Jude (2010)
Witherington, Letters and Homilies: Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on 1-2 Peter (2007)
Alexander, Epistles of John (Expositor's Bible, 1892)
Bennett, General Epistles (Century Bible, 1901)
Brooke, Johannine Epistles (International Critical Commentary, 1912)
Ebrard, Epistles of John (1890)
Gore, Epistles of St. John (1920)
Huther, James, Peter, John & Jude (1887)
Plummer, Epistles of S. John (Cambridge Bible, 1892)
Plummer, Epistles of S. John (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1938)
Westcott, Epistles of John (1886)
Anderson/Keating, James, First, Second, and Third John (Catholic Commentary, 2017)
Bennett, 1-3 John (Two Horizons Commentary, 2021)
Brown, Epistles of John (Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, 1982)
Culy, 1,2,3 John (Handbook on the Greek Text, 2004)
Jackman, Message of John's Letters (Bible Speaks Today, 2021)
Kruse, Letters of John (Pillar NT Commentary, 2020)
Lewis, Gospel According to John and the Johannine Letters (New Collegeville Bible Commentary, 2016)
Loader, Johannine Epistles ((Epworth Commentaries, 1992)
Marshall, Epistles of John (New International Commentary, 1978)
Ngewa, Epistles of John (New Covenant Commentary, 2019)
Olssen, Commentary on the Letters of John (2013)
Parsenios, First, Second, and Third John (Paideia, 2014)
Ross, Epistles of James and John (New International Commentary, 1954)
Strecker, Johannine Epistles (Hermeneia, 1996)
Witherington, Letters and Homilies:Socio-Rhetorical Commentary: Titus, I-2 Timothy and 1-3 John (2006)
Beckwith, Apocalypse of John (1922; also extensive essays on issues in Revelation)
Carroll, Book of Revelation (1913)
Case, Revelation of John (1919)
Charles, Revelation of St. John, v.1 (Intro, 1-13), v. 2 (14-22) (International Critical Commentary, 1920)
Dusterdieck, Revelation (1887)
Hengstenberg, Revelation of St. John, v.1, v.2 (1852-1853)
Hort, Apocalypse of St. John 1-3 (1908)
Kiddle, Revelation of St. John (Moffatt NT Commentary, 1941)
Milligan, Book of Revelation (Expositor's Commentary, 1895)
Peake, Revelation of John (1919)
Ramsay, Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia (1904, Revelation 1-3)
Ratton, Apocalypse of St. John (1912)
Scott, Revelation (Century Bible, 1905)
Scott, Revelation (Expositor's Library, 1905)
Seiss, The Apocalypse, v.1, v.2, v.3 (1913)
Simcox, Revelation (Cambridge Bible, 1910)
Simcox, Revelation (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1893)
Swete, Apocalypse of St. John, 3rd ed., (1922)
Whiting, Revelation of John (1918)
Beale, Revelation: A Shorter Commentary (2015)
Dumbrell, Revelation (New Covenant Commentary, 2017)
Duvall, Revelation (Teach the Text Commentary, 2014)
Fanning, Revelation (Zondervan Exegetical Commentary, 2020)
Hemer, Letters to the Seven Churches (1986, Revelation 1-3)
Koester, Revelation (Yale Anchor Bible, 2014)
Michaels, Revelation (IVP NT Commentary, 2011)
Moloney, Apocalypse of John (2020)
Mounce, Revelation (New International Commentary, 1997)
Newton, Pentecostal Commentary on Revelation (2021)
Paul, Revelation (Tyndale NT Commentaries, 2018)
Rowland, Revelation (Epworth Commentaries, 1993)
Schreiner, Revelation (Baker Exegetical Commentary, 2023)
Thomas, Revelation (Two Horizons Commentary, 2016)
Tonstad, Revelation (Paideia, 2019)
Webster, Follow the Lamb (2014)
Weima, Sermons to the Seven Churches of Revelation: A Commentary and Guide (2021)
Wilcock, Message of Revelation (Bible Speaks Today, 2021)
Williamson, Revelation (Catholic Commentary, 2015)
Yeatts, Revelation (Believers' Church Commentary, 2003)
Yong, Revelation (Belief: A Theological Commentary, 2021)
Apocryphal Gospels
Pick, Paralipomena (translations and introductions for various apocryphal gospels, 1908)
Ehrman, ed. Apocryphal Gospels (introduction, texts and translations, 2011)
Acts of Paul
Pervo, Acts of Paul (2014)
Acts of Thomas
Klijn, Acts of Thomas (2003)
Gospel according to the Hebrews
Nicholson, Gospel According to the Hebrews (1879)
Gospel of Judas
Gathercole, Gospel of Judas (2007; commentary in chapter 4)
Gospel of Mary
Tuckett, Gospel of Mary (2007)
Gospel of Peter/Revelation of Peter
Foster, Gospel of Peter (2010)
Robinson and James, Gospel according to Peter and Revelation of Peter (1892)
Swete, Akhmim Fragment of Gospel of Peter (commentary, 1893)
Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew / Nativity of Mary
Hawk, Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew and the Nativity of Mary (2019)
Gospel of Thomas
De Conick, Original Gospel of Thomas (2007)
Pokorný, Commentary on the Gospel of Thomas (2009)
Protevangelium of James
Vuong, Protevangelium of James (Early Christian Apocrypha, 2019)
Apostolic Tradition
Bradshaw, The Apostolic Tradition (Hermeneia, 2002)
Niederwimmer, Didache (Hermeneia, 1998)
Wilhite, Didache (Apostolic Fathers Commentary Series, 2019)
Epistle to Diognetus (2024) - Apologetic work; author unknown
Ignatius of Antioch
Schoedel, Ignatius of Antioch (Hermeneia, 1985)
Shepherd of Hermas
Osiek, Shepherd of Hermas (Hermeneia, 1999)
Land Acknowledgement
Trinity Western University's Langley campus is located on the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Stó:lō people. We are grateful for the opportunity to live, work, and learn on this land.