Sino-Christian Studies --汉语基督敎学术论评 (文章为中文或英文)
Ching Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture - 景风 (文章以中文为主)
Theologies and Cultures (文章以英文为主)
Journal for the Study of Christian Culture - 基督教文化学刊 (文章有中英文两个版本)
International Journal of Sino-Western Studies - 国学与西学 国际学刊 (back issues) (文章为中文或英文)
CGST Journal – 中国神学研究院期刊
Hill Road --山道期刊
Jian Dao --建道学刊
Taiwan Journal of theology --台湾神学论刊
Theology & Life --神学与生活
道风 : 基督敎文化评论 Logos & pneuma (1994 - current with one year embargo; 没有最近一年内容)
传 = Chuan = Proclaim (2006 - )
《教会》(ChurchChina)(2006 - )
加国华人教会 = Jia guo hua ren jiao hui = Canadian Chinese churches (older entries)
(2003 - )
家新 = Jia xin (2016 - )
金灯台 = Jin deng tai = The golden lampstand bimonthly (1986 - )
举目 = Ju mu = Behold (1997 - )
加拿大华人神学教育协会 = Newsletter - Association of Canadian Chinese Theological Education (2010 - )
生命季刊 = Sheng ming ji kan = Christian life quarterly (1997 - )
文化中国 = Wen hua Zhongguo = Cultural China (2011 - )
中信 = Zhong xin = Chinese today (2007 - )
中神杂志 = CGST Magazine (2016 - )
中国与福音月讯 = Zhongguo yu fu yin yue xun = China and the gospel monthly (2007 - )
网上圣经 - 汉语圣经协会 Online Chinese Bible
国家哲学社会科学学术期刊数据库 (需要注册一个账户(免费)才能读取全文) National Social Sciences Database
大学数字图书馆国际合作计划 China Academic Digital Associative Library (需要注册一个账户在线浏览信息)
国立台湾大学图书馆公开取用电子书 National Taiwan University Library open access ebooks
Hong Kong Journals Online (含中英文文献)
Land Acknowledgement
Trinity Western University's Langley campus is located on the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Stó:lō people. We are grateful for the opportunity to live, work, and learn on this land.