Research Data Management

Active Data Storage

What is active data?

Data is "active" if it is currently being worked on, modified, and/or analyzed.

  • Data collection may be in-progress or complete
  • The project associated with the data is ongoing


Where should I put it?

You can use your TWU OneDrive account to hold your encrypted research data.


TWU OneDrive provides system-level security:

  • OneDrive data is stored in Canada
  • OneDrive data is encrypted in transit and encrypted at rest while in the OneDrive cloud storage
  • TWU-provided computers are encrypted devices

Access your TWU OneDrive account by signing in with your TWU credentials through the portal at this link.


Encryption provides file-level security:

  • OneDrive data is encrypted in transit to and from, and while at rest in, the OneDrive cloud storage
  • OneDrive encryption ends if the data is downloaded from the OneDrive cloud storage onto an unencrypted device

If data is shared externally with a collaborator who may or may not be using an encrypted device, file-level encryption ensures the data will remain protected wherever it ends up.


Inactive Data Storage

What is inactive data?

Data is "inactive" if it is no longer being worked on, modified, and/or analyzed.

  • Data collection is complete
  • The project associated with the data has concluded


Where should I put it?

If your data is low- to medium-risk and does not contain information that could identify participants, use TWU Dataverse or a discipline-relevant repository.


If your data is high-risk, keep your data in TWU OneDrive in encrypted files, but create a record in an appropriate repository (either TWU Dataverse or a discipline-relevant repository) so that it and any relevant documentation is curated and safeguarded against loss

Assessing your data's level of risk

This table outlines a matrix between the identifiability and the expected privacy of research data, which intersect to indicate the level of risk (low, medium, high) associated with your data.
IDENTIFIABLE low high high
MAYBE IDENTIFIABLE low medium high
ANONYMOUS low medium high