Research Data Management


The following summarizes the Tri-Agency requirements as well as our identified areas of responsibility that will fulfil those requirements.

In accordance with the Institutional Requirements outlined in the Tri-Agency RDM Policy, our institutional strategy (1) itemizes the responsibilities of TWU and TWU researchers with regard to RDM practices; (2) identifies the current and ideal status of RDM for TWU; and (3) outlines a strategy for moving toward the ideal state from the current state.

Point (1) is outlined in the following categories titled "Awareness," "Education," "Data Handling," and "Infrastructure."

Points (2) and (3) can be found in the section titled "Areas for Action."

Our institutional strategy is modelled on the University of Victoria policy, with content drawn from the Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy and developed by the TWU RDM working group.

Tri-Agency Requirements of Institutions and Researchers

Institutional Requirements

  • create an institutional RDM strategy
  • notify the agencies of the strategy's completion and post it publicly, along with contact information

Since each institution is unique, TWU’s RDM efforts will match the university’s unique size, makeup and identity. This enables the agencies to understand the university’s current and planned RDM policies and needs. The policy will be high quality, will support our RDM efforts, and will be regularly reviewed. 

“By accepting agency funds, institutions and researchers accept the terms and conditions as set out in the agencies’ policies, agreements and guidelines. In the event of an alleged breach of agency policy, agreement or guideline, the agency may take steps outlined in accordance with the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research to deal with the allegation.”

(Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy, Section 3.1 Institutional Strategy)

Researcher Requirements

  • develop data management plans (DMPs) and engage in data deposit
Data management plans
  • Completed DMPs meet requirements for outlining methodologies around RDM in grant proposals
  • Can be completed using standardized tools, such as Portage Network’s DMP Assistant
  • May be required as part of the adjudication process for specific funding opportunities
Data deposit
  • Requirement for grant recipients
    • “Grant recipients are required to deposit into a recognized digital repository all digital research data, metadata and code that directly support the research conclusions in journal publications, pre-prints, and other research outputs that arise from agency-supported research.” (3.3 Data Deposit)
  • Data deposit is not the same thing as Open Access to research data
    • Deposit is required to ensure storage, preservation, and curation
    • Access is encouraged, as allowable given ethical, legal, commercial, and discipline standards and requirements BUT NOT REQUIRED

(Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy, Section 3.2 Data Management Plans; 3.3 Data Deposit)

Institutional and Researcher Responsibilities: Awareness

Effective research data management requires that the institution and all relevant personnel are aware of the institutional strategy and any related policies, and are able to implement them effectively.

Institutional Responsibility

  • understand the risk to which TWU exposes itself if appropriate tools to enable researchers to handle their data correctly are not developed
  • support the promotion of the importance of RDM to researchers, staff, and students

Researcher Responsibility

  • know where to find and how to make use of institutionally-available tools such as DMP templates and Borealis
  • take advantage of TWU-issued invitations to improve RDM practices

Institutional and Researcher Responsibilities: Data Handling

Careful management of data is essential to ensuring data privacy, data security and proper data dissemination.

Institutional Responsibility


  • provide DMP training to researchers / teams
  • make institutional and discipline-specific templates available

Research Office

  • share information around DMP requirements for grant opportunities
  • connect researchers with the Library for grant-related DMP assistance

Human Research Ethics Board

  • develop data handling policy specific to the needs of human research ethics
  • ensure that all researchers under HREB review create a data management plan

Researcher Responsibility

  • use institutionally-available tools to develop and log DMPs
  • keep DMPs up-to-date throughout their research process
  • acknowledge Indigenous data sovereignty principles wherever applicable when creating and maintaining DMPs

Careful management of data is essential to ensuring data privacy, data security and proper data dissemination.

Institutional Responsibility

Administration, Library, Research Office

  • work with Indigenous researchers, research partners, and stakeholders on campus and in the communities in which our campuses are located to understand how TWU can support and model distinctions-based, contextual Indigenous data sovereignty

Researcher Responsibility

  • ensure that all research, not only research that is conducted in partnership with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities, collectives, or organizations, is grounded in principles underlying Indigenous data sovereignty, such as OCAP and CARE

Careful management of data is essential to ensuring data privacy, data security and proper data dissemination.

Institutional Responsibility

IT, Library

  • provide clear, practical guidance, centred around TWU-supported tools, for determining risk levels of given data and handling data of varying levels of risk


  • acquire and maintain sufficient tools to allow researchers to determine the risk levels of given data and to handle data at all levels of risk

Researcher Responsibility

  • make use of institutionally-provided guidance and tools to determine the level of risk associated with research data
  • make use of institutionally-provided and -supported tools to handle data appropriately, according to the appraised level of risk

Careful management of data is essential to ensuring data privacy, data security and proper data dissemination.

Institutional Responsibility

Library and IT

  • make active-data handling tools, such as toolkits and secure data-handling software, and assistance available to all researchers
  • provide step-by-step, discipline-, format-, and risk-level-specific guidance for active-data handling

Research Office

  • require appropriate active-data handling plans, as outlined in a DMP, from grant-funded researchers as a requirement for gaining and maintaining access to grant funds
  • connect grant-funded researchers with the Library for active-data handling assistance

Researcher Responsibility

  • implement best practices for active-data handling, according to institutional guidance, disciplinary standards, and level of risk

Careful management of data is essential to ensuring data privacy, data security and proper data dissemination.

Institutional Responsibility


  • provide an institutional data repository and data-deposit assistance to all researchers
  • provide step-by-step, discipline- and format-specific guidance for data deposit

Research Office

  • require data deposit from Agency-funded researchers as a requirement for holding / wrapping up a grant
  • connect Agency-funded researchers with the Library for data-deposit assistance

Researcher Responsibility

  • take appropriate steps to safeguard and store physical and digital research data
  • deposit digital research data into appropriate digital repositories
    • where research has been Agency-supported and results in journal publications or pre-prints, deposit must be made by the time of publication
    • where cultural, ethical, legal, and commercial requirements allow, and in accordance with FAIR principles and disciplinary standards, share deposited data

Institutional and Researcher Responsibilities: Education

Education is foundational to effective research data management.

Institutional Responsibility


  • develop a set of TWU- and discipline-specific RDM training modules as online tutorials (see also Data Handling: DMP Creation – Library Responsibilities)
  • develop or provide access to RDM training tools and opportunities based on researcher need and interest

Researcher Responsibility

  • participate in relevant training opportunities
  • once available, complete the appropriate RDM training module

Institutional and Researcher Responsibilities: Infrastructure

Carefully designed infrastructure is essential to effective research data management.

Institutional Responsibility


  • demonstrate a commitment to research excellence by designating funding and employee time in support of RDM, as outlined in the Strategy
  • provide researchers with an environment that enables and supports RDM
  • provide researchers with guidance and institutionally-supported tools and resources so they can manage their research data appropriately in every discipline and at all levels of risk

Researcher Responsibility

  • engage with RDM at TWU such that they know where to find guidance and assistance

Carefully designed infrastructure is essential to effective research data management.

Institutional Responsibility


  • recognize research data as an important research output
  • commit sufficient resources to implement recognized best practices in RDM, as outlined in the institutional strategy and any future policies and procedures related to RDM

Researcher Responsibility

  • abide by best practices in RDM when developing, implementing, and concluding research, as outlined in the institutional strategy and any future policies and procedures related to RDM