Research Data Management

Duties and Responsibilities: Students

All activities will be conducted under the guidance of the RDM Librarian and in collaboration with your mentor.

  • Maintain a reflective journal documenting your participation in the RDM-I
  • Participate in weekly meetings with your mentor and the RDM Librarian
    • Additional meetings may be scheduled as needed
  • Complete the self-directed RDM micro-course from Athabasca University
  • Participate in the opening workshop, led by an expert in RDM-related training (two six-hour days)
  • Create both generic and discipline-specific guidance, best practice documents, and templates related to RDM
  • Implement discipline-appropriate RDM best-practices for your mentor's research
    • Conduct an RDM needs-assessment for your mentor's research team (in general) and a specific research project
    • Develop and carry out a plan to implement best practices within current research and integrate those practices into ongoing research habits
  • Participate in the closing symposium, where you and your mentor will share the discoveries and accomplishments of the summer with faculty and students (one afternoon)

Duties and Responsibilities: Faculty

  • Be available to your student and the RDM Librarian for weekly meetings (anticipated to be an hour per week, either as one hour or two half-hour meetings) [1h/week]
    • Additional meetings may be scheduled as needed [1h/week]
  • Provide feedback (written and oral) on written work produced by the student, which includes but is not limited to: [1.5h/week]
    • Generic guidance and best practice documents related to RDM practices for your discipline
    • An assessment of the current RDM state and needs of your research team and a current project
    • A plan for adapting RDM practices for your research team and a current project
  • Participate in the opening workshop, led by an expert in RDM-related training (two six-hour days, including refreshments) [12h]
  • Participate in the closing symposium, where you and your student will share the discoveries and accomplishments of the summer with your colleagues (one afternoon, including refreshments) [4h (prep) + 4h]

Hours expected: 60, with a potential maximum of 76, over 4 months


NB: as this is a pilot program, the anticipated hours are subject to change. All efforts will be made to ensure clear communication throughout the summer.