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Faculty Services

Course Reserves at Alloway Library

Course Reserves is a service provided at Alloway Library to

  • TWU/ACTS faculty and students
    • taking part in exclusively face to face classes,
      • for making required print readings and physical media,
        • which cannot be digitized due to copyright or technical limitations,
          •  available in a timely and equitable manner

What can go on reserve?

  • Required/assigned readings and materials,
    • which cannot be digitized, due to copyright or techncial limitations
    • for classes taught exclusively face-to-face.
  • This includes print material, including physical media, from Alloway Library’s collection, or from the instructor’s own collection.
  • This material will be made available for use under one of the following loan periods as requested by the instructor:
    • Two-hour loan: In-library use only
    • Two-hour loan: In-library use until the last two hours of the day, then due an hour after opening on the next operating day.
    • Twenty-four hour: due 24 hours after checkout.
    • Forty-eight hour: due 48 hours after checkout.
    • Seventy-two hour: due 72 hours after checkout.
    • One Week: due by closing time on the date indicated

Placing Material on Reserve

  • Download and print the PDF form linked below or pick one up from Borrower Services. Use one form for each course. However, if  some of your material will have a different loan period, use an additional form.
  • Bring the material you want to put on Course Reserve to Borrower Services along with the completed form. 
  • If any of your desired Course Reserve items are checked out, Borrower Services staff will recall them for you.
  • If you require further assistance
    • call Course Reserves staff 604-513-2121 [ext 3920]
    • Email

What can't go on reserve?

  • Supplemental, recommended, or optional readings
  • Issues of current periodicals
  • Reference books
  • Photocopies of material. 

Instructors may place copyright compliant digital copies of these materials in their course Moodle.

Borrower services staff will facilitate the creation of digital copies of print materials from the collection whenever possible through Alloway Library's Scan and Deliver Service

Contact for assistance and advice about finding and acquiring digital materials.

Find e-Documents Using Permanent Links

Most electronic journals* allow instructors to:

  • make direct links (permalinks, stable URLs, etc.) to their material,  
  • e-mail PDFs directly to students enrolled in a course,
  • and/or upload PDFs of articles to a password-protected course management site such as MyCourses. 

*The most notable exception is the Harvard Business Review, which forbids faculty from including HBR articles in recommended readings, linking to articles, or uploading PDFs to MyCourses.

Use Moodle for Required Readings

Depending on the amount of material and source, it may be possible to create links to material or upload PDFs of readings to Moodle.

Curriculum Builder is a resource in Moodle that allows you to create connections directly to e-books and e-journal articles, thus creating a bibliography for your students. See here for more information on Curriculum Builder.

Link Moodle to Alloway Library's e-Books

The library has more than 181,000 e-books, most of them delivered through EBSCOhost. It is easy to link to a section in an e-book. See the infographic below.