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Faculty Services

In-class Research Instruction

Contact a librarian to arrange an introduction to researching the literature of a specific discipline (see liaison information below). 

Keys to a good library instruction session:

  1. Tie the instruction to a specific research assignment. Students are much more engaged when sessions address a pressing need.
  2. Send us a copy of the assignment, so we know what the students need to do.
  3. Communicate the goals you have for the instruction session to us.
  4. Attend the session with your students.
    • We realize you're busy and we're fine if you're marking or doing other work during the session, but your presence reinforces the importance of research in post-secondary education. 
    • Many times in the course of the presentation, students have specific questions about the assignment that only the instructor can answer. It's a great opportunity to clarify what you want students to do.
  5. Contact us as early as possible. This ensures we can fit you in and gives us time to create a class specific to what you want.

The following are librarian liaison assignments:

Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences – Main Liaison Librarian: Bill Badke (except as noted below)

English/Creative Writing – Elizabeth Kreiter

International Studies – 

Linguistics – Bill Badke 

Faculty of Natural & Applied Sciences – Main Liaison Librarian: (except as noted below)

Geography/Geology/GIS/Environment Studies- Bill Badke 

School of the Arts, Media + Culture – Liaison Librarian: Elizabeth Kreiter

School of Business – Liaison Librarian: 

School of Education – Liaison Librarian: Elisha Ramstad; Curriculum Resource Centre: Elisha Ramstad

School of Human Kinetics – Liaison Librarian: Elizabeth Kreiter

School of Nursing - Liaison Librarian: Elizabeth Kreiter

TWU Global – Liaison Librarian: 

Support for Faculty Research

Librarians are available to help faculty with their research, including:

  • advice on setting up literature reviews or systematic searches
  • instruction in using EndNote
  • tips on using electronic databases and automating research

Contact Bill Badke Qinqin Zhang, or Elizabeth Kreiter.

New faculty are encouraged to make an appointment with a reference librarian for an orientation to discipline-based resources.