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Faith & Learning Bibliographies

In support of faculty research, we offer the following guide to books on faith and discipline-specific integration, a list of key journals, and links to journal submission guidelines. The librarians trust that this guide will further your work in fostering thoroughly Christian minds through your teaching and research.

The Christian Professoriate

2022 – Perry F. Glanzer

2023 – David L. Smith

On Christian Teaching (Ebook)

Teaching and Christian Imagination (BV4596.T43 S65 2016)

Teaching and Christian Practices (BV1610 .T43 2011)

Learning from the Stranger: Christian Faith and Cultural Diversity (BR115.C8 S5838 2009)

Spirituality, Social Justice and Language Learning (Ebook)

The Bible and the Task of Teaching (LB1027.2 .S655 2002)

The Gift of the Stranger: Faith, Hospitality, and Foreign Language Learning (P53.76 .S66 2000 copy 1 & copy 2)

Lake, Christiana Bieber. The Flourishing Teacher : Vocational Renewal for a Sacred Profession (Ebook)

Burge, Gary. Mapping Your Academic Career : Charting the Course of a Professor’s Life (Ebook)

Arts & Humanities

Anderson, Jonathan A., and William A. Dyrness. Modern Art and the Life of a Culture : The Religious Impulses of Modernism. (N6494.M64 A53 2016)

Begbie, J. (2018). Redeeming transcendence in the arts : Bearing witness to the triune God. Eerdmans. (BR115.A8 B438 2018)

Bustard, Ned. It Was Good : Making Art to the Glory of God (N7830 .I7 2006)

Campbell, Douglas G. Seeing : When Art and Faith Intersect (BR115.A8 C36 2002

Grimm-Vance, Erica, and Tim Lilburn. Imaging the Sacred : The Fruitful Alliance between Gospel & Art (BR115.A8 G74 2002

Jensen, Robin Margaret. The Substance of Things Seen : Art, Faith, and the Christian Community (BR115.A8 J46 2004

Skillen, John Edward. Putting Art (Back) in Its Place. (BR115.A8 S59 2016)

Taylor, W. David O. Contemporary Art and the Church : A Conversation between Two Worlds (BR115 .A8 C64 2017)

Taylor, W. David O., & Jeremy Begbie.  Glimpses of the New Creation : Worship and the Formative Power of the Arts. Eerdmans (2019 - online).


ARTS: The Arts in Religious and Theological Studies

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Religion and the Arts

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Begbie, Jeremy. Resounding Truth : Christian Wisdom in the World of Music. Engaging Culture (ML3921.2 .B44 2007)

Best, Harold M. Music through the Eyes of Faith (ML3871 .B47 1993)

Beuving, Mark. Resonate : Enjoying God’s Gift of Music (ML3921.2 .B48 2014)

DeMol, Karen A. Sound Stewardship : How Shall Christians Think about Music? (ML3921.2 .D46167 1999)

Lemley, David. Becoming What We Sing : Formation Through Contemporary Worship Music. (E-book, 2021)

Reily, Suzel Ana, and Jonathan Dueck. The Oxford Handbook of Music and World Christianities. Oxford Handbooks (ML3000 .O94 2016)


Global Forum on Arts and Christian Faith

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Yale Journal of Music and Religion

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A. Theatre

Bennett, Gordon C. Acting out Faith : Christian Theatre Today. (BV1534.4 .B46 1986).
Harris, Max. Theater and Incarnation (PN2049 .H27 2005)
Johnson, Todd Eric, and Dale Savidge. Performing the Sacred : Theology and Theatre in Dialogue. Engaging Culture (PN2049 .J65 2009)
Sennett, Herbert. Religion and Dramatics : The Relationship between Christianity and the Theater Arts (PN1880 .S36 1995)

  B. Film


Deacy, Christopher, and Gaye Williams Ortiz. Theology and Film: Challenging the Sacred/Secular Divide (2008) 

Godawa, Brian. Hollywood Worldviews: Watching Films with Wisdom & Discernment (2009) 

Horner, Grant. Meaning at the Movies: Becoming a Discerning Viewer (2010) 

Leonard, Richard. Movies That Matter: Reading Film through the Lens of Faith (2006)  

Stone, Bryan P. Faith and Film: Theological Themes at the Cinema (2000)  


Global Forum on Arts and Christian Faith

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Journal for Religion, Film and Media

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Journal of Religion and Film

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Jeffrey, David L., and Gregory Maillet. Christianity and Literature : Philosophical Foundations and Critical Practice (PN49 .J44 2011)

Gallagher, Susan V., and Roger LundinLiterature through the Eyes of Faith (PN49 .G27 1989)

Kilby, Clyde S., and Charles A. HuttarImagination and the Spirit : Essays in Literature and the Christian Faith, Presented to Clyde S. Kilby (PN49 .I55 1971)

Ryken, Leland. Windows to the World : Literature in Christian Perspective (PN49 .R93 2000)

Veith, Gene Edward. Reading between the Lines : A Christian Guide to Literature (PN49 .V45 1990)

Walhout, Clarence, and Leland Ryken. Contemporary Literary Theory : A Christian Appraisal (PN98.R44 C66 1991)


Christianity and Literature

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Literature & Theology

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Religion and Literature

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Bebbington, D. W. Patterns in History : A Christian Perspective on Historical Thought (BR115.H5 B423 1990) 

Fea, John, Jay Green, and Eric Miller. Confessing History : Explorations in Christian Faith and the Historian’s Vocation (BR115.H5 C59 2010)

Marsden, George M., and Frank Carl Roberts. A Christian View of History? (BR115.H5 C55 1975)

McIntire, C. T. God, History, and Historians: An Anthology of Modern Christian Views of History (E-book, 1977)

Wenham, Gordon J., and Colin Brown. History, Criticism & Faith : Four Exploratory Studies (BR115.H5 H54 1977)

Wells, Ronald. History and the Christian Historian (BR115.H5 H534 1998)

Wells, Ronald. History through the Eyes of Faith : Western Civilization and the Kingdom of God (CB245 .W45 1989)


Christian History

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Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture

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Fides et Historia

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Klassen, Norman, and Jens Zimmermann. The Passionate Intellect : Incarnational Humanism and the Future of University Education (LC1011 .K58 2006)

Roberts, Jon H. and James Turner. The Sacred and the Secular University (LA636.7 .R62 2000)

Wilkens, Steve, Twelve Great Books that Changed the University: And Why Christians Should Care (E-book, 2014)


Christian Scholar's Review

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Cross Currents

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Heythrop Journal

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Journal of Religion and Culture

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Cotterell, Peter, and Max Turner. Linguistics & Biblical Interpretation (P123 .C655 1989)

Poythress, Vern S. In the Beginning Was the Word : Language-- a God-Centered Approach (BV4319 .P69 2009)

Smith, David. The Spirit of the Foreign Language Classroom (LT2800.S7286 S6765 2001)

Smith, David, and Barbara Maria Carvill. The Gift of the Stranger : Faith, Hospitality, and Foreign Language Learning (P53.76 .S66 2000)


International Journal on the Sociology of Language

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Journal of Christianity and Foreign Languages / World Languages (3 year embargo)

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Journal of Language, Identity, and Education

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Beaty, Michael D., and Alvin Plantinga. Christian Theism and the Problems of Philosophy (BR100 .C54 1990)

Cowan, Steven B., and James S. Spiegel. The Love of Wisdom : A Christian Introduction to Philosophy (B56 .C68 2009)

Morris, Thomas V. God and the Philosophers : The Reconciliation of Faith and Reason (BR102.A1 G63 1994)

Oppy, Graham et al. Four Views on Christianity and Philosophy (BR100 .F6717 2016)

Vanhoozer, Kevin J., and Martin Warner. Transcending Boundaries in Philosophy and Theology : Reason, Meaning and Experience (B56 .T735 2007)


American Journal of Theology & Philosophy

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Christian Scholars Review

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Faith and Philosophy

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Journal of Philosophy & Scripture

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Biblical Studies

Childs, Brevard S. An Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture (BS1140.2 .C48 1979)

Lundin, Roger et al. The Responsibility of Hermeneutics (BD241 .L86 1985)

Moir, John S. A History of Biblical Studies in Canada: A Sense of Proportion (220.07071 M64 1982)

Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth. Democratizing Biblical Studies: Toward an Emancipatory Educational Space (BV4020 .S38 2009)

Segovia, Fernando F.; Boer, Roland. The Future of the Biblical Past: Envisioning Biblical Studies on a Global Key (BS511.3 .F88 2012)

Shillington, V. G. Reading the Sacred Text: An Introduction to Biblical Studies (BS475 .S55 2002)



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Catholic Biblical Quarterly

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Journal for the study of the New Testament

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Journal for the study of the Old Testament

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Journal of Biblical Literature

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Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

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[The above list represents only a selection of the numerous biblical studies journals. To find more such journals, use Journal Finder in TWU's Library OneSearch box to search on: bible OR biblical OR new testament OR old testament]



Buschart, W. David; Eilers, Kent. Theology As Retrieval : Receiving the Past, Renewing the Church (E-book, 2015)

Raschke, Carl A. Critical Theology : Introducing an Agenda for an Age of Global Crisis (E-book, 2016)

Thielicke, Helmut. A Little Exercise for Young Theologians (E-book, 2016)

Veeneman, Mary M. Introducing Theological Method : A Survey of Contemporary Theologians and Approaches (E-book, 2017)

Yoder, John Howard. Preface to Theology : Christology and Theological Method (BT75.3 .Y63 2002)


Evangelical review of theology

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Harvard Theological Review

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Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

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The Journal of Theological Studies

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Scottish Journal of Theology

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Theological Studies

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Westminster Theological Journal

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World Religions/World Christianity/Mission

Baker, David W., ed. Biblical Faith and Other Religions: An Evangelical Assessment (BR127 .B52 2004)

Bruce, Steve. Researching Religion: Why we Need Social Science (E-book2018)

D' Costa, Gavin. Theology and the Religions: A Dialogue (BL85 .T45 2003)

Daughrity, Dyron B. To Whom Does Christianity Belong?: Critical Issues in World Christianity (BT77 .D26 2015)

Marty, Martin E. The Christian World : A Global History (BR145.3 .M375 2007)

Muck, Terry C. Christianity Encountering World Religions: The Practice of Mission in the Twenty-first Century (BV2063 .M73 2009)

Ott, Craig, and Harold A. Netland. Globalizing Theology : Belief and Practice in an Era of World Christianity (BR118 .G58 2006)

Tennent, Timothy C. Theology in the Context of World Christianity: How the Global Church Is Influencing the Way We Think about and Discuss Theology (BR118 .T44 2007)


Evangelical Missions Quarterly

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International Review of Mission

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Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies

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Missiology: An International Review

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Studies in World Christianity

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Natural & Applied Sciences

Applegate, K. How I changed my mind about evolution: Evangelicals reflect on faith and science(E-book, 2016)

Cavanaugh, W.T., & Smith, J.K.A. (Eds.). Evolution and the fall(E-book, 2017)

Clark, S. R. L. Biology and Christian Ethics. (E-book, 2000)

Falk, D. R. Coming to peace with science : bridging the worlds between faith and biology. (BS651 .F35 2004) 

Frye, R.M. (Ed.). Is God a creationist? The religious case against creation science. (BS651 .I8 1983)

Hearn. W. R. Being a Christian in science. (BV4596.S35 H43 1997)

Kaiser, C.B. Creation and the history of science. (231.76509 K35 1991)

Moore, J.A. From Genesis to genetics: The case of evolution and creationism(E-book, 2002; Print book: QH367 .M813 2002)

Peacocke, A. Creation and the world of science: The re-shaping of belief. (E-book, 2014)

Polkinghorne, J. Science and creation: The search for understanding. (E-book, 2006)

Pollack, R. The faith of biology and the biology of faith: Order, meaning, and free will in modern medical science. (E-book, 2013; Print book: BM538.S3 P65 2000)

Roughgarden, J. Evolution and Christian faith. (E-book, 2006)

Wright, R.T. Biology through the eyes of faith(BS651 .W84 2003)



Christian Bioethics

Christian Scholar's Review.  Online.

Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith.  Online.

Science and Christian Belief. Online

Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science.  Online.


Badke, W. B. Project earth : preserving the world God created. (BT695.5 .B33 1991)

Bauckham, R. Living with other creatures: Green exegesis and theology(BS660 .B39 2011)

Bauckham, R. The Bible and ecology: Rediscovering the community of creation. (BS660 .B38 2010)

Bouma-Prediger, S. For the beauty of the earth: A Christian vision for creation care. (BT695.5 .B69 2010)

Brueggemann, W. The land. (BS543 .B68 2002)

Brunner, D., Butler, J., & Swoboda, A.J. Introducing evangelical ecotheology. (E-book, 2014)

DeWitt, C. (Ed.). The environment and the Christian. (BT695.5 .E585 1991)

Hessel, D., & Ruether, R. (Eds.). Christianity and ecology: Seeking the well-being of earth and humans(BT695.5 .C49 2000)

Koetje, D.S. (Ed.). Living the good life on God's good earth. (BT695.5 .L58 2006)

Meconi, D.V. (Ed.). On earth as it is in heaven: Cultivating a contemporary theology of creation. (E-book, 2016)

Santmire, H.P. Nature reborn. (BT695.5 .S253 2000)

Santmire, H.P. The travail of nature: The ambiguous ecological promise of Christian theology. (261.8362 S255 1985)

Toly, N. J., & Block, D. I. (Eds.) Keeping God's earth : the global environment in biblical perspective. (BT695.5 .K44 2010)

Van Dyke, F. Between heaven and earth: Christian perspectives on environmental protection. (E-book, 2010) 

Wirzba, N. From nature to creation: A Christian vision for understanding and loving our world. (E-book, 2015)

Young, D. Christianity and the age of the earth. (BS657 .Y67 1982)



Christian Scholar's Review.  Online.

Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith.  Online.

Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science.  Online.

Barbour, I. Religion and science: Historical and contemporary issues. (BL240.2 .B368 1997)

Barbour, I. G. When science meets religion. (BL240.2. B375 2000)

Bishop, R. C. Understanding Scientific Theories of Origins : Cosmology, Geology, and Biology in Christian Perspective(E-book, 2018)

Campbell, H. A., & Looy, H. (Eds.). A science and religion primer. (BL240.3 .S349 2009)

Carlson, R.  F. (Ed.) Science & Christianity : four views. (BL240.2 .S3228 2000)

Copan, P., Longman III, T., Reese, C. L., & Strauss, M. G. (Eds). Dictionary of Christianity and science : the definitive reference for the intersection of Christian faith and contemporary science. (BL240.3 .D537 2017)

Giberson, K., & Collins, F. The language of science and faith (BL240.3 .G49 2011)

Harrison, P. The Cambridge companion to science and religion. (E-book, 2010)

Haught, J.F. Science and faith: A new introduction. (E-book, 2012)

Lindberg, D.C., & Numbers, R.L. God and nature: Historical essays on the encounter between Christianity and science(BL245 .G63 1986)

Lindberg, D.C., & Numbers, R.L. When science and Christianity meet(E-book, 2003)

McGrath, A. E. A scientific theology. (BT75.3 .M35 2001)

McLeish, T. Faith and wisdom in science. (BS1415.52 .M35 2014)

Murphy, N.C., & Ellis, G.F.R. On the moral nature of the universe: Theology, cosmology, and ethics. (BD511 .M85 1996)

Numbers, R.L. Galileo goes to jail and other myths about science and religion. (E-book, 2009; print book: Q126.8 .G35 2009)

Pearcey, N. The soul of science : Christian faith and natural philosophy. (BL245 .P43 1994)

Plantinga, A. Where the conflict really lies : science, religion, and naturalism. (BL240.3 .P53 2011)

Polkinghorne, J. Belief in God in an Age of Science. (BL241 .P56 2003)

Polkinghorne, J. Science and theology : an introduction. (BL240.2 .P57634 1998)

Poythress, V. S. Redeeming science : a God-centered approach. (BL240.3 .P695 2006)

Ratzsch, D.L. Science and its limits: The natural sciences in Christian perspective(BL240.2 .R34 2000)

Rolston, H. Science & religion: A critical survey. (E-book, 2006)

van Huyssteen, J. W. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of science and religion, (BL240.3 .E53 2003 v.1 & v.2)



Science and Christian Belief. Online

Christian Scholar's Review.  Online.

Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith.  Online.

Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science.  Online.

Baker, W.J. Of Gods and games: Religious faith and modern sports. (E-book, 2016)

Heintzman, P., Van Andel, G.E., & Visker, T.L. Christianity and leisure: Issues in a pluralistic society.  (BV4597.55 .C487 1994)

Hoffman, S.J. Good game: Christianity and the culture of sports. (GV706.42 .H65 2010)



Christian Scholar's Review.  Online.

Journal of Religion and Health.  Online, 4 year embargo.

Movement and Being: The Journal of the Christian Society for Kinesiology, Leisure and Sport Studies.  Online.

Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith.  Online.

Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science.  Online.


Barr, S. M. Modern physics and ancient faith. (BL265.P4 B37 2003)

Byl, J. The divine challenge : on matter, mind, math, and meaning. (BR100 .B949 2004)

Clayton, P., & Schloss, J. (Eds.) Evolution and ethics : human morality in biological and religious perspective. (BJ1311 .E95 2004)

Helm, Paul. Eternal God : a study of God without time. (BL473 .H45 1988)

Hodgson, P. E. Theology and modern physics. (E-book, 2005; Print book: BL265.P4 H63 2005)

Howell, R., & Bradley, J. Mathematics through the eyes of faith. (BL265.M3 H69 2011) 

Howell, R.W., & Bradley, J. Mathematics in a postmodern age: A Christian perspective. (QA8.6 .M385 2001)

Poe. H. L., & Mattson, J. S. What God knows : time, eternity, and divine knowledge. (BL265.P4 W43 2005)

Polkinghorne, J. Quantum physics and theology : an unexpected 
(E-book, 2007; Print book: BL265.P4 P58 2007)

Polkinghorne, J. Quarks, chaos, and Christianity: Questions to science and religion.  (BL240.2 .P5754 2005)

Polkinghorne, J. The faith of a physicist : reflections of a bottom-up thinker : the Gifford lectures for 1993-4. (BT999 .P65 1994)

Polkinghorne, J. Theology in the Context of Science. (E-book, 2009)

Russell, R., Stoeger, W., & Coyne, G. (Eds.). Physics, philosophy and theology: A common quest for understanding. (BL240.2 .P49 1988)

Sire, J. W. The universe next door : a basic worldview catalog. (B823.3 .S56 2009)

Spitzer, R. J. New proofs for the existence of God : contributions 
of contemporary physics and philosophy
(BT103 .S687 2010) 



Christian Scholar's Review.  Online.

Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith.  Online.

Physics in Perspective. Online.

Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science.  Online.

Bouma, Hessel. Christian faith, health, and medical practice. (BX9423.H43 C48 1989)

Hauerwas, S. Naming the silences: God, medicine, and the problem of suffering. (BT732.7 .H38 1990)

Hauerwas, S. Suffering presence: Theological reflections on medicine, the mentally handicapped, and the church.  (R725.5 .H38 1986)

Lammers, S. & Verhey, A. On moral medicine: Theological perspectives in medical ethics (3rd ed.). (E-book, 2012; Print book: R724 .O58 1998)

Marty, M. & Vaux, K. Health/medicine and the faith traditions: An inquiry in religion and medicine.  (261.56 H43 1982)

Verhey, A. Reading the Bible in the strange world of medicine. (R725.56 .V47 2003)



Christian Scholar's Review.  Online.

Journal of Christian Nursing.  Online.

Journal of Religion and Health.  Online.

Mental Health, Religion, and Culture.  Online, 18 month embargo.


Social Sciences

Bessenecker, S. Overturning Tables : Freeing Mission from the Christian-Industrial Complex. 2014 

Claar, V.V., Klay RK. Economics in Christian Perspective : Theory, Policy and Life Choices. BR115.E3 C555 2007

Clouse, R.G., Diehl, W.E. Wealth & Poverty : Four Christian Views of Economics. 1984.

Dalla Costa, J. Magnificence at work: living faith in business. HF5388 .D35678 2005

Ellul, J., Vanderburg, W.H. On Being Rich and Poor : Christianity in a Time of Economic Globalization. BR115.E3 E44 2014

Hill, A. Just business : Christian ethics for the marketplace. HF5387 .H55 2008

Lai, P. Tentmaking: the life and work of business as missions. BV2063 .L35 2005b

Moreton, B. To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise. 2009. 

Oslington, P. The Oxford Handbook of Christianity and Economics. BR115.E3 O94 2014

Stevens, R. P. Doing God’s business : meaning and motivation for the marketplace. BT738.5 .S74 2006

Van Duzer, J. B. Why business matters to God: (and what still needs to be fixed). HF5388 .V36 2010

Wong, K. L., & Rae, S. B. Business for the common good : a Christian vision for the marketplace. HF5388 .W66 2011



Christian Business Academy Review

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Christian Business Review

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Christian Scholar's Review 

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Journal of Biblical Integration in Business (open access)

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Journal of Religion and Business Ethics 

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Baurain, B. Religious Faith and Teacher Knowledge in English Language Teaching2015. E-Book

Carr, D., Haldane, J. Spirituality, Philosophy and Education. 2003. E-Book

De Souza, M. International Handbook of Education for Spirituality, Care, and Wellbeing. 2009. E-Book

Dockery, D.S., Morgan, C.W. Christian Higher Education: Faith, Teaching, and Learning in the Evangelical Tradition. BT738.17 .C485 2018

Dockery, D.S. Faith and Learning: A Handbook for Christian Higher Education. LC383 .F34 2012

Etherington, M. Foundations of Education: A Christian Vision. LB1027.223 .F685 2014

Hegeman, J., Edgell, M., Jochemsen, H. Practice and Profile: Christian Formation for Vocation. LC538 .H43 2011

Jule, A. Facing Challenges: Feminism in Christian Higher Education and Other Places. 2015. E-Book

Klassen, N., Zimmermann, J. The Passionate Intellect : Incarnational Humanism and the Future of University Education. LC1011 .K58 2006

Ringenberg, W. C. The Christian college and the meaning of academic freedom : truth-seeking in community. LC72 .R56 2016

Snell, R. J., Cone, S. D. Authentic Cosmopolitanism: Love, Sin, and Grace in the Christian University. 2014. E-Book

Van Brummelen, H.W. Walking with God in the Classroom. LC531 .V36 1992

Yust, K-M., Anderson, E.B. Taught by God : Teaching and Spiritual Formation. BV1471.3 .Y87 2006

Zimmermann, J. Re-Envisioning Christian Humanism: Education and the Restoration of Humanity. BR115.H8 R44 2017



Christian Education Journal

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TEACH Journal of Christian Education

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Journal of research on Christian education : JRCE

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Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning for Christians in Higher Education

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Christian Higher Education: An International Journal of Research, Theory and Practice

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International Journal of Christianity & Education

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Browse the library collection on the subject: "Leadership -- Religious aspects -- Christianity"

Agosto, E. Servant Leadership: Jesus & Paul. BS2555.6.L42 A34 2005

Batten, J.D., Cunningham, G.B., Howard, W.R. The Leadership Principles of Jesus : Modern Parables of Achievement and Motivation. BV652.1 .B375 1997

Boers, A.P. Servants and Fools: A Biblical Theology of Leadership. 2015. E-Book

Jones LB. Jesus, CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership. HD38 .J638 1995

Ford, L. Transforming Leadership: Jesus’ Way of Creating Vision, Shaping Values & Empowering Change. BV652.1 .F59 1991b

Goossen, R.J., Stevens, R.P. Entrepreneurial Leadership: Finding Your Calling, Making a Difference. HB615 .G6643 2013

Lang, G. Faith, Life and Leadership: 8 Canadian Women Tell Their Stories. BV4597.53.L43 L36 2016

Ledbetter, B.M., Banks, R. Reviewing Leadership: A Christian Evaluation of Current Approaches. BV4597.53.L43 B36 2016

Manz, C.C. The Leadership Wisdom of Jesus: Practical Lessons for Today. 2005. E-Book

Mays, A.L. Courteous Rebel: Jesus’ Model of Leadership. BV4597.53.L43 M395 2003 

Page, D.M. Servant Empowered Leadership: A Hands-on Guide to Transforming You and Your Organization. BV4597.53.L43 P3447 2009

Page, D.M. Effective Team Leadership. BV4597.53.L43 P3447 2008

Scott, H.G. Dare Mighty Things: Mapping the Challenges of Leadership for Christian Women. BV4527 .S284 2014

Simmons, D.C,. Shoup, J.R., Burns, J. Organizational Leadership: Foundations and Practices for Christians. 2014. E-Book



Christian Business Academy Review

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Christian Business Review

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Christian Scholar's Review

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Berger, B.L, Moon, R. Religion and the Exercise of Public Authority. KE4502 .R45 2016

Bowen, K.D. Christians in a Secular World: The Canadian Experience. BR570 .B6923 2004

Coleman, J.A. Christian Political Ethics. 2008. E-Book

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Lyon, D, Van Die, M. Rethinking Church, State, and Modernity: Canada between Europe and America. BR570 .R47 2000

McGraw, B.T. Faith in Politics : Religion and Liberal Democracy. 2010. E-Book

Rawlyk, G.A. Aspects of the Canadian Evangelical Experience. 1997. E-Book

Reimer, S. Evangelicals and the Continental Divide : The Conservative Protestant Subculture in Canada and the United States. 2003. E-Book

Rowe, P. Religion and Global Politics. BL65.P7 R69 2012

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Smith, M.C. Group Politics and Social Movements in Canada. 2014 E-Book

Sugirtharajah, R.S. The Postcolonial Biblical Reader. BS511.3 .P67 2006

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Jones, S.L., Butman, R.E. Modern Psychotherapies: A Comprehensive Christian Appraisal. 2011. E-Book

Kellemen, R.W. Gospel-Centered Counseling: How Christ Changes Lives. BR115.C69 K44 2014

McMinn, M.R. The Science of Virtue: Why Positive Psychology Matters to the Church. BV4630 .M36 2017

Moriarty, G. Integrating Faith and Psychology: Twelve Psychologists Tell Their Stories. BR1702 .I55 2010

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