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Faculty Services

Library/ID Cards

New Faculty/Staff - Activating Your Barcode

New faculty and staff will need to contact the library by e-mailing the barcode on your ID/Library card to so we can activate it for you. This can also be done in person.

Your barcode is used primarily for:

  1. Ordering interlibrary loans.
  2. Placing holds on print material.
  3. Checking out physical materials.
  4. Renewing checked-out materials.

ID Cards

  • All faculty require a TWU/S card to sign out materials from the Library. A requisition form may be obtained from the Personnel Office (upper level of the Reimer Student Centre). This form is then taken to the Campus Service Centre (in Student Life opposite the bookstore) where the card is produced.

Proxy Borrower Cards 

  • In cases where faculty want TAs to sign out material on their behalf or where they're working with a researcher without a TWU ID who needs to borrow items from the library, it's possible to obtain a proxy card.
  • To obtain a proxy card, contact the Borrower Services desk and they will ask the Student Life office to create a proxy borrower card on your behalf.
  • It is possible to have more than one active proxy card.

Important Information

  • Your proxy card is attached to your library record. You are personally responsible for anything checked out on this card.
  • You are responsible for any interlibrary loan requests made using the barcode on this card.
  • Your proxy card barcode can be used online at to place holds or renew material checked out to you.
  • Items checked out on your proxy card have the same loan period as you normally receive. (120 days for books, 21 days for media and curriculum collection items, and reserve items as indicated.)
  • Your proxy may be blocked from borrowing if you have outstanding bills, overdue or lost items.
  • Your proxy card privileges expire with your library privileges at the end of the summer term and can be renewed by presenting your up-to-date TWU ID at the library.
  • Your card is permanent and can be used for any individual you authorize.
  • Please notify the library at once if your proxy card is lost or stolen.
  • It is your responsibility to know who is using your card; the library DOES NOT track the names of individuals using your card.

Loan Policies

  • The loan period for faculty is 120 days for print books (excluding reference books) and 21 days for Curriculum Resource Centre items and audio-visual material.)

  • All material is subject to recall when a hold is placed on an item by another library patron. 

  • Having an overdue item will prevent further loans or holds until the overdue material is renewed or returned

  • Reference collection material, theses, and periodical materials do not normally circulate. However, library staff (not student assistants) may allow faculty to borrow non-circulating materials for special uses such as classroom instruction.

Overdue & Lost Items

  • Overdue notices are sent by e-mail. After the 3rd overdue notice, it is assumed that the material is lost and the borrower is billed for replacement costs.
  • Having overdue material will prevent further borrowing and requests until the overdue material is renewed or returned.
  • Faculty are responsible for materials which are loaned out to them, and should make arrangements at Borrower Services for payment for lost items.
  • If materials listed in the catalogue appear to be missing, this should be reported to the Library. The Library will assume the responsibility of acquiring replacements of needed materials.