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Faculty Services

Interlibrary Loans

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a formal agreement among libraries to borrow books and obtain copies of journal articles from one another. It enables TWU students, faculty, and staff to obtain materials not owned by the TWU Library.

NB: As print books borrowed through interlibrary loan are the property of other institutions, patrons will need to pick up and return material at the Langley campus library. Thank you for understanding.

PLEASE CHECK OneSearch BEFORE PLACING REQUESTS. If you are still unsure if a book or journal article is available, contact the Research Help Desk. For some search tips specific to articles, take a look at our Finding Full Text Guide.

Submit an ILL Request

Until further notice, ILL requests are free for TWU students, staff, and faculty; $15 for alumni and community borrowers.

More questions? See our FAQs page.

If you are having problems submitting an ILL request, e-mail us at

Reciprocal Borrowing

Alloway Library participates in reciprocal borrowing arrangements with other colleges and universities across Canada through the Canadian National Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement or other agreements. Eligible borrowers must show valid university ID from their “home” institution and other identification. Click here for more information

Members of this group of borrowers may borrow books and CDs and have in-library access to Alloway Library's electronic resources. Remote access to electronic resources requiring a login is only available to TWU students, faculty and staff, due to licensing requirements. Access off-campus cannot be provided to alumni, community borrowers or non-TWU institutions.