Human Kinetics

Finding Books & E-Books


Books are rarely the most current source of information on a topic, but they are often useful because they offer a broader perspective. 

To search for books on a topic, choose the Books tab, choose Keywords from the dropdown, enter your keywords, and search. 

To find a specific book using OneSearch, choose the books tab and enter the title in quotation marks. 

All of our recent computing science related books are electronic. For instruction in limiting a search to e-books, see the tutorial immediately below.

Searching for EBSCO eBooks (5:27) 

How to Read Books and Take Notes

Want to spend less time to get better results when reading books for research?

Watch this short video and read this article, and level up your reading skills.

Take notes using the SQ3R method.

This guide from SFU outlines the method thoroughly:

Guide to academic reading.

The worksheet (below) will give you a template for going through each step of the method.