Research Data Management

Timeline of RDM Activities at TWU

Spring 2022

  • Working group established

Summer-Fall 2022

Fall 2022-Spring 2023

  • Institutional Strategy to be reviewed by Senate
  • Pending Senate approval, Institutional Strategy to be made publicly available online
  • Act on items listed under Stage 1

Spring 2023

  • Stage 1 action items completed
  • Action items listed under Stages 2-5 to be addressed as resourcing allows

Current Practices and Supports

We have developed a draft Institutional Strategy for RDM at TWU. This Strategy is currently in the process of undergoing Senate and community review.

Our Strategy will provide us with a framework for gaining institutional support for RDM; developing researcher support and training resources; and creating RDM infrastructure related to data curation, storage, and preservation.

We currently have a librarian whose portfolio includes responsibilities for RDM (RDM Librarian), hold a consortial membership through COPPUL in Scholars Portal Borealis (TWU Borealis), and have an institutional repository (TWUSpace) through ARCA.


We lack training resources, as well as formalized procedures and best practices for RDM at TWU. We also lack the administrative infrastructure necessary in order to support RDM in perpetuity.

Areas of Responsibility

Trinity Western University holds institutional responsibility to "provide its researchers with an environment that enables and supports RDM." (Tri-Agency RDM Policy). To fulfil this responsibility, TWU commits to taking action on the items identified in this strategy according to the level of priority and desired timeline as established by the RDM Working Group.

TWU is responsible for ensuring that their librarians and academic staff receive support--in the form of dedicated budget and personnel--to allow for the timely fulfilment of the action items outlined in this Strategy.

See also the details provided in the section titled "Tri-Agency Requirements of Institutions and Researchers: Institutional Requirements."

Researchers at Trinity Western University are responsible for ensuring that their own research activities include appropriate data management. This includes creating a data management plan at the outset of a research project and engaging in data deposit at the end of a project to ensure their data's ongoing storage, preservation, and curation.

See also the details provided in the section titled "Tri-Agency Requirements of Institutions and Researchers: Researcher Requirements."

The Research Data Management Working Group is responsible for the continued oversight of RDM activities at TWU, and for advising Senate regarding the developing needs of TWU Researchers as our institutional RDM practices mature.

The RDM Librarian is responsible for the administration of the Working Group, as outlined in the Terms of Reference.


The essential resource for the successful fulfillment of this Institutional Strategy is dedicated personnel. This requires a dedicated RDM director, clear procedures for approval, dedicated funding, recognition of the importance of RDM work, and release time to allow for that work.

The support of the Associate Provost, Research; Associate Provost, Graduate Studies; Associate Provost, Teaching + Learning; and Sr. Vice-President, Business Administration & CFO is required in order to allocate personnel and allow for the acquisition of resources as needed.

Assessment and Benchmarking

Adherence to the Institutional Strategy will be assessed by the RDM Librarian and the working group on an ongoing basis. Progress will be reported by the RDM Librarian to the Research and Academic Support Sub-committee of Senate (RAS) preceding RAS meetings or as requested. 

The working group will establish measurable goals based on the timeline outlined above and the items outlined under "Areas for Action." Success will be measured by our ability to achieve these goals within the timeline.