Borrowing at Alloway Library

Everything you need to know about borrowing Alloway Library's print and media resources

Who may borrow?

Although Trinity Western University is a private institution, anyone may use our library resources on site.

Current and Retired TWU Community Members

Current TWU, CanIL or ACTS employees and students with valid TWU ID cards can borrow library materials

TWU ID cards are issued from the Student Life Office with authorization from Enrollment Services or the Human Resources office.

Members of this group of borrowers may borrow books, CDs and videorecordings and have full access to Alloway Library's online resources including eBooks, databases and electronic journals.

The spouses of university employees are eligible for borrowing privileges as well, by applying to Alloway Library accompanied by their TWU spouse. There is no privilege fee for the spouse of an employee.  Members of this group of borrowers may borrow books and CDs and have in-library access to Alloway Library's electronic resources.

Retired TWU employees may borrow library material and have in-library access to Alloway Library's electronic resources from their own device.

TWU professors emeriti may borrow library material and have full access to Alloway Library's online resources including eBooks, databases and electronic journals.

Alumni and Community Borrowers


Alumni must first obtain a digital alumni card from the Alumni Office. To obtain your card, fill out the registration form and allow up to 3 business days for your card to arrive in your inbox. 

  • Anyone who has graduated from Trinity Western is eligible for a TWU alumni card at no charge.
  • Anyone with an alumni card can purchase library privileges for $15 per year. Drop by the Borrower Services desk to verify your status and pay for your privileges. Thereafter, your digital alumni card will serve as your new library card, or if you prefer, you may continue to use your old student card.
  • Alumni may borrow books and CDs and have on-campus access to Alloway Library's electronic resources.


Community borrowers may obtain a library card from the Borrower Services desk. Library privileges are $60 per year.

​Members of Canadian post-secondary institutions

Alloway Library participates in reciprocal borrowing arrangements with other colleges and universities across Canada through the Canadian National Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement or other agreements. Eligible borrowers must show valid university ID from their “home” institution and other identification. Click here for more information

Members of this group of borrowers may borrow books and CDs and have in-library access to Alloway Library's electronic resources. Remote access to electronic resources requiring a login is only available to TWU students, faculty and staff, due to licensing requirements. Access off-campus cannot be provided to alumni, community borrowers or non-TWU institutions.