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UNIV 110 TW: Scholarly Inquiry and Research Methods (by QZ): Assignment #3

The Assignment

This Assignment is due at the beginning of next class on October 4.  Send by e-mail attachment to

Use the above assignment template to complete the assignment.  It's a rich text format file that should work in any word processing program. Clicking on the link will download it to your computer.  Find it in your Downloads folder.  If you have any problems, please e-mail me and I'll send you a copy.  You can enter your assignment answers right on this document and then send it to me by e-mail attachment.

Consult the rubrics to the right to determine what you should be doing to achieve excellence in the assignment.

Assignment Instructions:

Reading: Research StrategiesChapters Four through Six: section 1 

State your research question.

1.  In relation to your research question:

     a. a. Do a search with the Books tab in Library OneSearch on the library homepage (

     b. Indicate two or more search words you used; and

     c. List eight books that speak to the question (use APA citation style). Put your citations in alphabetical order by author, and do not number them.

[Note: Books tend to be broad, so you may need to find books that cover your topic in only one chapter or section.  For example, if you have a research question like this – What are the wedding etiquettes in Britain in the 1800s? – you might find that a search on wedding Britain 1800s gets you nothing.  In that case, look for works on Victorian culture or social custom might get you relevant results.]

2.  Do the search again with the same search words.  This time, use the hyperlinked Subject Terms on related books' pages or use Limit by Subject limiter on the results page to choose two or more subject headings.  You can see how to do this in the OneSearch Guide at, column 1.

     a. List the subject headings you chose.

      b. List eight books that speak to the question (use APA format that includes author, title, place, publisher and date). Put your citations in alphabetical order by author, and do not number them. If you don't have eight books left, do the procedure, list the relevant books you have, and explain that there were no more.

Subject Guide


A well done assignment will include the following features:

1. Search terms that closely match the intention of your research question (keywords preferably drawn from your research questions and subject headings that at least cover the subject matter of your question).

2. Book citations that show promise of answering your research question (note that a book may cover your question in only a portion of its contents and still be useful).

3. Consistent bibliographic format.