To search for books on a topic go to Library OneSearch on the Library home page (, choose the Books tab, enter your keywords, and search.
For instruction in limiting a search to e-books, see the tutorial immediately below.
Searching for EBSCO eBooks (5:27)
See these instructional videos to help you navigate the library catalogue
All tutorials can be located on this page.
Searching the Catalogue
When you search in the library catalogue using either a Basic search, or an Advanced search use the most explicit, discipline-specific, or technical vocabulary that you can think of - focus the catalogue’s attention on your topic.
For example, instead of searching “economics”, try terms like:
Development economics
Economic development
Equilibrium (economics)
Evolutionary economics
Gross Domestic Product
Labour economies
Resource allocation
Stagnation (economics)
Image Credit: HikingArtist on WikipediaCommons (CC License)
New Titles in the Catalogue
There are hundreds of economics and economics-related titles in the library's book catalogue. Here are some examples. To open an e-Book from the catalogue choose "Weblink".
Author names and titles are often unknown, so search using 'keyword' or 'subject' words. For help in doing this efficiently, check the boxes on the left side of this page.
Land Acknowledgement
Trinity Western University's Langley campus is located on the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Stó:lō people. We are grateful for the opportunity to live, work, and learn on this land.