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Finding Dissertations and Theses

Suggestions for finding the full text of theses and dissertations.

Online Repositories

American Doctoral Dissertations (EBSCOhost)

  • An open-access collection of historic and contemporary dissertations and theses

DART-Europe E-theses Portal

  • A partnership of research libraries and library consortia working to improve global access to European research theses.

EBSCO Open Dissertations - (requires TWU login); Public search interface - no login required

EThOS (British Library - Electronic Theses Online Service) 

  • Search over 350,000 doctoral theses

National ETD Portal (South Africa)

  • A collection of more than 137,000 theses.

Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) | More info

  • A collection of more than 5.9 million international full-text theses and dissertations.

Open Access Theses and Dissertations

  • OATD currently indexes over 4.9 million theses and dissertations.


  • OpenThesis is a free repository of theses, dissertations, and other academic documents.
  • Students and faculty are encouraged to upload their theses, dissertations, and other publications.

Commercially Published Theses or Dissertations

  • Dissertations are sometimes published commercially (and often with a different title). Check the TWU Catalogue or WorldCat, and search by author name.

Discipline-related Databases

  • Some theses and dissertations may not be available through any of the means above, but the authors may have published journal articles based on their research. Searching a specialized database for the author's name and adding keywords related to the topic of his/her research, may find articles they have published. In addition, some databases, CINAHL, MLA Bibliography, PsycInfo, etc. index theses and dissertations.