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The Best Databases for Economics

Finding Journal Articles

To find articles, the best place to begin is with one of the “periodical index” databases in the Library. The databases that are most useful for finding articles in economics include:

Business Source Complete is a comprehensive database that ranges across an enormous variety of subject areas: accounting, banking, finance, management, marketing, trade, and of course, economics. It offers an unprecedented wealth of peer-reviewed, full-text journals and other resources that provide historical information and current trends in business that spark discussion on future developments and changes in the business world. ​

BSC also indexes company profiles, country reports, industry reports, SWOT Analyses, trade journals and magazines.

JSTOR – Journal Storage – is another of the licensed databases accessible through the TWU Library. Like Academic Search Premier, it is a multi-disciplinary database that accesses 1500 full-text journals.

Try using the “Advanced Search” option so that you can limit your searches by the “Narrow by Discipline” check-boxes (best choice might be “Economics”, but also try disciplines such as “Business”, “Business & Economics”, “Development Studies”, “International Relations”, and even some of the area studies headings: “African Studies”, “British Studies”, and “Middle East Studies”).

Sage Premier is an multidisciplinary full-text database containing about 700 journal titles. Included in those 700 titles you will find Economics titles such as:

  • Agrarian South: Journal or Political Economy
  • Capital & Class
  • Economic Development Quarterly
  • Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies
  • Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics
  • Review of Radical Political Economics
  • South Asia Economic Journal
  • Studies in Microeconomics

The “Browse” tab (“Journals by Discipline”) on the search page will let you see all the economics titles. Click on the “+” box of “Social Sciences & Humanities” > “Economics & Development” for the full display. Depending on your research topic, other disciplines might also be useful: “Law”, “Management & Organization Studies”, or “Public Administration”.

When you use Sage Premier go to the “Advanced search” screen. Enter your search terms, and in the drop-down menus choose “Full Text”. Use names or technical language to bring focus and specificity to your search (e.g. “John Maynard Keynes” or “Harrod–Domar growth model”).

Wiley Online Library is a multidisciplinary database containing about 1300 journal titles. Most journal titles come in full-text – an access icon indicates availability.

From the "Browse by Subject" page choose "Business" and the subheading "Economics". Search from within that subset of the database.

Even though this is a "science" database you will find articles on economics here.

In the "Search for" data entry bar enter focused and technical words or names. In the drop-down box to the right choose a limiter - "Abstract", or "Keywords", or "Full Text". In the second drop-down menu of subjects (below) choose "Business", or "Economics", or both.

Journal Articles

spatial economic analysis

Journal articles treat specific and narrow topics, they’re much briefer than books, and are published in a “journal” along with other articles.

Before an article is published it goes through a quality control process called ‘peer review’.

Most journal articles present original research and analysis, so they are called research articles, or primary research articles. A different kind of article is the review article, which summarizes and synthesizes work that has already been done in the field. Review articles are a good place to find a summary of a topic.

See this short video from North Carolina State University on the journey of an article from a scholar’s research to a database in the library: From Idea to Library.

Evaluating Sources

The CARS Checklist for Research Source Evaluation from Robert Harris, Evaluating Internet Research Sources

When using a research source consider the following criteria:

Credibility trustworthy source, author's credentials, evidence of quality control, known or respected authority, organizational support. Goal: an authoritative source, a source that supplies some good evidence that allows you to trust it.
Accuracy up to date, factual, detailed, exact, comprehensive, audience and purpose reflect intentions of completeness and accuracy. Goal: a source that is correct today (not yesterday), a source that gives the whole truth.
Reasonableness fair, balanced, objective, reasoned, no conflict of interest, absence of fallacies or slanted tone. Goal: a source that engages the subject thoughtfully and reasonably, concerned with the truth.
Support listed sources, contact information, available corroboration, claims supported, documentation supplied. Goal: a source that provides convincing evidence for the claims made, a source you can triangulate (find at least two other sources that support it). 

Librarian Assistance

If you need help, please Ask a Librarian.

Finding Journal Articles - Tutorials

never stop searching
Image courtesy of Openclipart (Public Domain)

The library has several video tutorials to help answer questions like:

  • How do I find the full text of an article if all I have is the citation (the bibliographic information)? Look here.
  • How do I find out if I can get an article for free through Google Scholar. Look here (0-1:30)
  • How can I improve my searches using 'Boolean Operators'?  ANDOR, & NOT .

News Magazines

News magazines cover the same current events that newspapers do, but in greater depth and with more insightful coverage.

A  newspaper tells us a bomb blew up in an Ahmedabad train station killing 28 people. A news magazine reflects on the social, political, cultural, or religious causes and effects of that event.

Reputable news magazines offer useful points of view on current events, but they should not be mistaken for academic journals.

File:Shidehara Kijuro on TIME magazine cover.jpg

Time Magazine cover from October 12, 1931
Cover credit: Keystone
Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain

L’Actualite (French Canada)

The Atlantic (US)

Commentary (US)

The Economist (UK) 

Euromoney (UK)

Foreign Affairs (US international relations & foreign policy)

Foreign Policy (US)

Frontline (India)

International Economy Magazine (US)

Maclean’s (Canada)

The New Statesman (UK)

The New Times (Russia) (right-click for English translation)

The New Yorker (US)

Newswatch (Nigeria)

Newsweek (US)

Le Nouvel Observateur (France)

Der Spiegel (Germany)

Time (US)

Some content is available online, but you will be asked to subscribe for full access.

Archived content / back issues may or may not be available.