How to OneSearch (New User Interface)

A guide to the OneSearch revised platform implemented in June 2025

Initial Searching

Initial interface of OneSearch = EBSCO Discovery Service

On the results page you will see this:

OneSearch result page basic features

Using Filters

Library OneSearch will often generate thousands of results for you, a number of them not as specific as you would like. Handling thousands of results is difficult, so it would be great if the database had a way to select for what you really want and eliminate the rest. That is exactly what filters do. They let you be more specific about what you are seeking so that your result set gets smaller but more relevant. Here is the filter system (note that some filters may change over time):

When you do a search in OneSearch, the filters option will appear above your search results:

Location of filters icon


The filters list

The filters list part two

The filters list part three


Handling search results

Understanding and handling search results: 

Understanding and handling search results

More detailed options:

More detailed search result options

More Detail (More about MyEBSCO below):

Further detail of search result options

Opening article full text

To open full text (note some differences with books, in instructions below):

How to open article full text

Using Ebook Full Text


Note that most ebooks are not like journal articles. You cannot save most whole books to your computer. Book publishers limit downloads, though you can always read ebooks from the screen
















Turn off Details (X in upper right)




Generating citations

Generating citations

To find the citation tool, click on the box next to one or more search results, then follow directions as below: 

How to generate citations part one

How to generate citations part two


Alternatively, find three vertical dots to the right of a citation, click on them, and then on Cite:

How to generate citations part three