How to OneSearch (New User Interface)

A guide to the OneSearch revised platform implemented in June 2025

Quick Menu

The icons below are hyperlinked to videos in this guide. Use them as a handy menu. Each link goes to a new page so that you can move back to the home tab easily.

Starting your search from the library home page

Short comprehensive tutorials for basic and advanced searching  Using filters which are limiters to improve relevance of search results  How to work with results of your searches  Using the MyEBSCO personal account for storing search results  Opening the full text of article citations in search results  Opening and using Ebook full text  Formatting citations in your results list  advanced searching  Downloading search results to a bibliographic manager Combining searches

About the New OneSearch

Small image of new EBSCO search interface


In 2025 the library implemented a revised platform for its academic search engine OneSearch (also known as EBSCO Discovery Service). Some features will be familiar but many are new, and some are more complex to use than the earlier version. The platform is also under continuous development, so features described in this guide may change. We will try to keep up with these modifications and update the guide accordingly.

Note that TWU cannot return to the old version which will be discontinued.

Start with the video tutorials and then focus on particular features described pictorially through screenshots in this guide.