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The TWU Library for (Trinity Language College) TLC Students

This guide shows you how to use the library and how to get help if you have problems.

Search Books & E-Books

To search for books on a topic go to Library OneSearch on the Library home page (, choose the Books tab, enter your keywords, and search. 

For instruction in limiting a search to e-books, see the tutorial immediately below.

Searching for EBSCO eBooks (5:27) 



Searching for E-Books

The best way to search for e-books is to do a OneSearch search and then limit the results to e-books, as shown in the image below. 

limit to e-books

Online Bibles & Bible Apps

Some courses will ask you to read parts of the English Bible. This can be challenging, but it's possible to use websites or apps to show Bible passages in English and your first language.


A good website is Bible Gateway. It has Bibles in many languages, as well as many English translations.

Free Apps

  1.        YouVersion  which includes Bible in many languages including English and Chinese.
  2.        听读圣经 Chinese and English.