MCOM 191 Research

A platform for the Research section of MCOM 191

Google Scholar, Final Question, Final Outline, and Final Bibliography


This module involves you with a non-library database - Google Scholar - and gives you an opportunity to present a final research question, final outline, and final bibliography.

Google Scholar for Research

Google Scholar is an alternative database for academic research. While it seems easy to use, it lacks the ability to narrow results to any extent (though there is an advanced search that you can find by clicking on the icon in the upper left):


In this module, you have an opportunity to try out Google Scholar. Try to take note of the similarities and differences in relation to OneSearch.

Above all, be sure to log into Google Scholar through the library home page so that you can link your search results to resources the library has in full text.

Preparation for Final Submission


Final Research Question Checklist

  • Is your question singular (no multiple questions in one)?
  • Is your question clear, with no vague language?
  • Is your question problem-based (not something you can just look up)?
  • Is your question capable of being answered with evidence?

Final Outline Question Checklist

  • Is your final outline well-structured? (See this presentation for some suggestions: 

  • Have you limited to 3 to 5 main headings with subheadings rather than 6 or more main headings (which destroy unity)?
  • Does each of your headings or subheadings clearly express a goal?
  • Does your outline have an Introduction and Conclusion?

Final Bibliography Checklist

  • Are all items in the bibliography relevant to your research question?
  • Are your bibliography items scholarly (by recognized scholars in recognized scholarly publications)?
  • Do you have the correct total number of items and the correct mix of items (see assignment)?
  • Are your bibliography items well formatted according to the bibliographic style you are using?

Hanging bibliographies

Most bibliographies are "hanging" in that the second and following lines of a citation are indented. Here is how to create a hanging bibliography in Word:


Assignment Four

Download Assignment 4 here.


A passing grade for Assignment 4 requires that student responses include the following elements:

  1. Good search terminology in Google Scholar (relevant to research question)
  2. High quality, high relevance journal articles in Google Scholar result list
  3. Well formulated research question
  4. Logically constructed outline
  5. High quality, high relevance selections for the final bibliography
  6. Correctly-formatted citations