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Open Educational Resources


PhET (Biology) - interactive simulations by University of Colorado Boulder

PraxiLabs (need to sign up for a free account) Free access for a month to 22 interactive simulations of biology, chemistry, and physics experiments in our virtual labs.

Zygote Body simulation - 3D Anatomy viewer

McGraw-Hill Biology Virtual Laboratory Exercise 
Laboratory exercises with instructions, quizzes and report options (Adobe Flash Player is required)

Interactive Media - Virtual Labs Stanford
Online interactive media (Adobe Flash Player is required)

Molecular Workbench 

StarGenetics - Mendelian genetics cross simulator developed at MIT. Its goal is to teach students about genetic experimental design and genetic concepts.

BioInteractive - classroom resources for Biology subject

Virtual Labs Biology Collection by National Science Teaching Association (NSTA)


PhET (Chemistry) - interactive simulations by University of Colorado Boulder

ChemCollective virtual labs - by Carnegie Mellon University

PraxiLabs (need to sign up for a free account)  Free access for a month to 22 interactive simulations of biology, chemistry, and physics experiments in our virtual labs.


Environmental Science / Geology / Geography / Earth Sciences

PhET (Earth Sciences) - interactive simulations by University of Colorado Boulder

Virtual Labs by Merlot (Earth Science)

General Science

JoVE - a library of videos and simulations on Science Education

Labs Land - Remote access to real labs (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Technology)

eduMedia - interactive resources for learning Science


Virtual Healthcare Experience - a portal by Centennial College, Ryerson University, and George Brown College, which provides healthcare students and professionals with an experiential learning opportunity for practising client care in a safe virtual environment.

Turbulent Sky: A 360 degree  Disaster Management Virtual Simulation - this virtual disaster management community provides scenarios involving client/community/organizational issues focused on the disaster management process

Perinatal Nursing Care - The link provides learning modules and 3 Virtual Gaming Simulation (VGS) related to a perinatal nursing experience. The  VGS offers an interactive, experiential opportunity to apply knowledge and practice skills in a hospital setting.


PhET (Physics) - interactive simulations by University of Colorado Boulder

VIrtual Labs by Merlot (Physics)

MyPhysicsLab – Physics Simulation with Java

Virtual Physics Labs – At Central Connecticut State University (CCSU).

Virtual Labs used at Boston University Physics

Flash Animations for Physics - University of Toronto