The kind of articles your instructors want you to use are collected in academic journals. They tend to contain the most up-to-date information and focus on one aspect of a topic.Boolean Terms/Logic
The words AND, OR, NOT are powerful ways to join search terms. They help focus your search to return the results you want. See these tutorials for examples of how to use Boolean Terms.
Call Numbers
Each physical object (book, DVD, etc.) in the library has a call number, which is the address that will take you to the shelf where the book is. Call numbers are organized by subject, so when you find one book on a subject, chances are the books nearby will be on the same or a similar subject. The range of the call numbers of the books on a shelf is printed on the end of each row of books. The library maps give a rough guide as to which call numbers are where in the library.
The catalogue is a database that lists all of the physical and electronic books, as well as other media such as DVDs and CDs that we have. It can be searched by author, title, subject, keyword, etc.
Circulation / Borrower Services
This is the part of the library on the Main Level that looks after the checking in and out of books and other materials. They are also responsible for your library account, course reserves, and sell print and photocopy cards.
The information about a book or journal. For a book it usually includes: the author(s), title, publisher, city of publication and date. For journals, the author(s), article title, journal name, volume, issue, and year or publication. Each citation style (APA, MLA, Turabian, etc.) displays this information in a different way.
Course Reserves
Occasionally an instructor will put a book, CD, DVD, print-out, etc. on Reserve. These items are available for shorter periods than usual (2 hours to 3 days, depending on the prof's request). The purpose is to allow everyone in the class to access the materials. They are available from Borrower Services on the Main Level in the library.
Some electronic journals have a period (from 3 months to 2 years, but typically 12 months) where we can't access the electronic version of an article. It is still possible to order them through interlibrary loan, though.
Used with electronic journal articles. It means the complete text of the article. Some databases have only the reference and abstract and you need to look elsewhere for the full text.
No library has everything, so we have agreements with other libraries that allow users to order books and obtain articles from other libraries. Distance users see this page.
A publication of a journal or magazine. The issues published over a defined period of time (usually a year) make up a volume.
Academic magazines. They are made up of collections of articles. At one time they were print only, but now almost all of our journals are electronic only.
Important words related to your topic. Searching using keywords is similar to doing a Google search. You're looking for any occurrence of your terms, meaning you will get more results, but many of them may give you articles or books where your keyword isn't the main topic of the article or book.
Peer review is the process by which articles are approved for publication. Other experts in the subject area (peers) read an article, make suggestions for changes, and when they are satisfied with its quality, it is published.
Scholarly/Academic refers to the audience for whom the articles are written. Scholarly/Academic articles may or may not be peer reviewed, but peer reviewed articles are almost always scholarly and academic. Your instructor will usually tell you what type of articles are suitable for an assignment.
Can mean any of the following:
Reference manager
Sometimes called bibliographic software. Software that is either on your computer or on the Web that you use to collect references and which helps to format your bibliography in the style your instructor is asking for. Common reference managers include: EndNote, RefWorks, Zotero, etc. The library supports EndNote.
A word that isn't used too much now. It means the part of the library with sets of bookshelves.
Subject Headings
Sometimes called: Thesaurus, MeSH, CINAHL Subject Headings, Subject Terms, Subjects, etc. These are terms librarians apply to books and articles to describe what they are about. Keyword searches look only for occurrences of words, but a subject heading search looks for a book or article that is about a topic. A search using subject headings usually gives fewer but better quality results.
Technical (Tech) Services
The part of the library where staff order materials, catalogue them, prepare them for shelving, and do repairs.
Land Acknowledgement
Trinity Western University's Langley campus is located on the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Stó:lō people. We are grateful for the opportunity to live, work, and learn on this land.