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Finding Books Using OneSearch

Start with Library OneSearch

It searches everything from one interface books, e-books, journal articles, and media. Here are som example searches

Concept 1


Concept 2


Concept 3

"Transgenic food*" OR "GM food*" OR "genetically modified food*"


Christian OR Christianity





Broader ethical approach

Concept 1


Concept 2


Concept 3

"Transgenic food*" OR "GM food*" OR "genetically modified food*"







Christianity and the environment

Concept 1


Concept 2


Concept 3

Stewardship n3 earth OR earthkeeping OR "human ecology" OR "Human environment"


Christian OR christianity





  1. Choose your two or three most important concepts and enter the search terms into the advanced search boxes.
  2. Once you've run the search, apply the limiters described below.



Some of the books on the Christianity/theology side of the research will be in print only.

They may be somewhat outdated (especially on the science side), but they give:

  • A broad overview of the topic
  • Information about key writers
  • Vocabulary for further searches

Browse E-Books on Religion and Science

  1. Copy the subject heading ZK "RELIGION / Religion & Science"
  2. Go to OneSearch Advanced Search
  3. Choose Advanced Search
  4. In the top search box paste the subject heading ZK "RELIGION / Religion & Science"
  5. In the boxes below add a keyword related to your subject 
  6. Keep the keyword as broad as possible initially. We can add a narrower term later if necessary.

Some Relevant Books: (“religion and science" Subject Heading)

  • Handbook of Religion and the Authority of Science TWU eBook
  • How Do We Know? Understanding in Science and Theology TWU eBook
  • How Science Enriches Theology BX1795 .S35 A84 2012
  • Language of Science & Faith: Straight Answers to Genuine Questions BL240.3 .G49 2011
  • Nature's End: the Theological Meaning of the New Genetics TP248.23 .S53 2010
  • The Revolution in Science 1500-1750 Q125 .H28 1983
  • The Scientific Revolution Q125.2 .S37 2003
  • Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism BL240.3 .P53 2011

Finding Journal Articles Using OneSearch

After doing a book search, it's important to follow up with a journal search. Compared to books, journal articles are:

  1. Newer
  2. More focused 
  3. Generally easier to access

However, because large numbers of articles are published, it's important to have a good search to ensure you find a manageable number of on-topic results.

Science Databases (Articles)


  • Use singular form of nouns; it will add plural endings.
  • Create exact match searches by using {curly brackets} and loose phrase searches with "double quotation marks" (NOTE: you must use "straight" quotation marks and will need to turn off "smart" quotation marks in Word's AutoCorrect, if you're copying and pasting from a Word document).
  • Use Topics to limit the search, e.g., food safety.
  • Need to create a login before you can access search history.
  • Export - Download .ris file and import into EndNote.

JSTOR [Journal Storage]

  • Is a retrospective collection of journals, so you won't get the newest information – important to note if you're looking for cutting-edge research.
  • It's a full text search, so you'll get many results that are off topic.
  • Use "double quotation marks" to do a phrase search.
  • Search using the most specific terms you have.
  • One concept in each search box. It is possible to use more than one concept in a search box joined by OR, e.g., GMO OR "genetically modified food" but JSTOR doesn't handle long complex search strings well.
  • Limit to English, articles, relevant disciplines
  • Export – Download as .ris file and import into EndNote.
  • Alternate JSTOR Search Option: 
    • Go to Google Scholar through the library homepage.
    • Enter JSTOR in the search box.
    • Add your other search terms.
    • Perform a Google Scholar search.
    • All the results should be from JSTOR.

Religion Databases (Articles)

ATLA Religion Database

Because this is a religion-focused database, we can omit the Christian part of our search initially until we see how many results we get. E.g., (Transgenic OR GMO OR biotechnology OR "genetically modified") AND ethic* AND food*

ProQuest Religion

A smaller database that contains some good information. Example search - (Transgenic OR GMO OR biotechnology OR "genetically modified") AND food* AND Christian

Limit results to Scholarly, Academic Journals.

Interdisciplinary Databases (Articles)

Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) | Search tutorial for Academic Search Complete (3:26) 

  • Uses a similar search string as for Science Citation Index (WoS).
  • A multi-disciplinary database, so good if you're doing cross-disciplinary research.
  • Export - directly to EndNote Web.

Wiley Online Library | Search tutorial for Wiley Online Library (4:11)

  • A multi-disciplinary database, so good if you're doing cross-disciplinary research.
  • You can limit the search terms to title, abstract, full text.
  • No phrase searching
  • Export 
    • Check box next to item
    • Export Citation
    • Format: Reference Manager (.ris)
    • Download & import .ris file into EndNote


Specific Journal Titles

To locate a specific journal, go to TWU Journal Title List and look up the title.

This page will tell you if the journal is available, in what formats, and it will allow you to search through the Tables of Contents (not a very good strategy)

Perspectives on science and Christian faith : journal of the American Scientific Affiliation

Science & Christian belief

“…the journal transcends traditional disciplinary limitations and publishes articles, reviews and letters relating to a wide range of topics, including the environment, ethics, biology, genetic engineering, physics, cosmology, computer technology, sociology, theology, anthropology, mathematics, and the history and philosophy of science”

Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science

Christian scholar's review

Christian Bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality

First things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life

Other Resources


Are faith and science allies or enemies? In this four part audio series, Professor Alister McGrath discusses the relationship between Christian Faith and the Natural Sciences.

Alister McGrath is Professor of Theology, Ministry, and Education at King’s College, London, Senior Research Fellow at Harris Manchester College, Oxford, and President of the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics.

Part 1 - Why Can We Make Sense of the World?

Part 2 - Faith and Proof in Science and Religion

Part 3 - Have the Natural Sciences Eliminated Belief in God?

Part 4 - Science, Faith, and the Sense of Wonder at Nature

Click here to listen to the whole series.


How Good Science Makes Us Better Christians Interview series by Biola University's Biola Magazine. 

In 2015, Biola Magazine of Biola University gathered five faculty members in the sciences to discuss dynamics and related questions about science and Christian faith.