UNIV 110 Online Course - Scholarly Inquiry and Research Methods

The Assignment

Use the above assignment template to complete the assignment.  It's a rich text format file that should work in any word processing program. Clicking on the link will download it to your computer.  Find it in your Downloads folder.  If you have any problems, please e-mail me and I'll send you a copy.  You can enter your assignment answers right on this document and then send it to me by e-mail attachment.

Assignment due at the beginning of next class. Send by e-mail attachment to badke@twu.ca.

Consult the rubrics below to determine what you should be doing to achieve excellence in the assignment.

Assignment Instructions:

Reading: Research Strategies, Chapter Six and Seven: Sections 6.3-6.9 and 7.2.2

View the presentations for this section at https://libguides.twu.ca/UNIV110Online/presentations.

[We have covered a lot of detail in this lesson.  For the assignment below, go back over relevant portions of Lesson Four, being sure you understand how to do each task in the assignment. For information on citation formatting, see the Sample Assignment below.]

If you want to create "hanging" citations (with second and following lines indented) like the ones in the sample assignment below, here is how to do it:

Select your whole list --> Right click --> Paragraph--> Special--> Hanging--> OK

State your Research Question 

1. OneSearch Database Search

         a. Do a search related to your research question in OneSearch, choosing the Articles tab.  

          b. On the results page, limit your search results, using one or more subject headings from the Limit by Subject section in the column to the left of your results.

         c. List the search terms/subject headings you used.    

          d. Create a list of 6 citations in proper APA format. Put them in alphabetical order and do not number them.  

2. Individual Database Search

         a. From the OneSearch main search box on the library home page, choose Databases and navigate to a database that covers the subject of your research question.  Indicate the name of the database (note that there is no such database as EBSCO.  We have multiple EBSCO databases, each with its own name, e.g. Business Source Complete). Use the "Start with these databases" section. The first database listed is the biggest and best for that subject area. For short tutorials on numerous individual databases see https://libguides.twu.ca/library_research/articles.

         b. List the search terms/subject headings you used.  If the database uses subject headings you must include subject headings in your search.  For example, you might have searched Business Source Complete with the keyword "Delegating."  In the column to the left of your results, you will find Subject Major Heading, with the subject heading Delegation of authority.  Be sure you indicate: Keyword: Delegating; Subject heading: Delegation of authority. See the sample assignment below to see how to list your terms.

        c. Create a list of 6 citations in proper APA format.  Put them in alphabetical order by author, and do not number them

3.   Do a similar search in Google Scholar, indicate your search terms you used, and list 6 relevant articles in APA format. You can include journal articles, book chapters, doctoral dissertations, and conference presentations, but no books.  Note that Google Scholar does not use subject headings, nor does it use truncation (*). Be sure to log into Google Scholar through the TWU library home page to connect your citations with any full text to which the library subscribes.


Clicking on the quotation mark below any citation will enable you to create citations. (Note that some Google Scholar data is incomplete, resulting in incomplete citations. In such cases, you will need to find the rest of the data and insert it yourself. This is best done by clicking on the title, which will take you to the original source of the citation and provide you more information.)

Sample Assignment 4

State your Research Question – How can the healthcare system in Canada best overcome systemic racism?

1. OneSearch Database Search

         a. Do a search related to your research question in OneSearch, choosing the Articles tab.  

          b. On the results page, limit your search results, using one or more subject headings from the Limit by Subject section in the column to the left of your results.

         c. List the search terms/subject headings you used.    

“systemic racism” AND healthcare AND Canada / Subject: institutional racism

____________________ ________________

____________________ ________________

          d. Create a list of 6 citations  in proper APA format.  Put them in alphabetical order by author, and do not number them.

El-Mowafi, I. M., Yalahow, A., Idriss-Wheeler, D., & Yaya, S. (2021). The politest form of racism: sexual and reproductive health and rights paradigm in Canada. Reproductive Health18(1), 1–5. https://doi-org.twu.idm.oclc.org/10.1186/s12978-021-01117-8

Fraser, S. L., Gaulin, D., & Fraser, W. D. (2021). Dissecting systemic racism: policies, practices and epistemologies creating racialized systems of care for Indigenous peoples. International Journal for Equity in Health20(1), 1–5. https://doi-org.twu.idm.oclc.org/10.1186/s12939-021-01500-8

Gajaria, A., Guzder, J., & Rasasingham, R. (2021). What’s race got to do with it? A proposed framework to address racism’s impacts on child and adolescent mental health in Canada. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry30(2), 131–137.

Matthews, R. (2019). Health ethics and indigenous ethnocide. Bioethics, 33(7), 827–834.

Noor El-Dassouki, Dorothy Wong, Deanna M. Toews, Jagbir Gill, Beth Edwards, Ani Orchanian-Cheff, Paula Neves, Lydia-Joi Marshall, & Istvan Mucsi. (2021). Barriers to accessing kidney transplantation among populations marginalized by race and ethnicity in Canada: A scoping review part 2—East Asian, South Asian, and African, Caribbean, and Black Canadians. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease8. https://doi-org.twu.idm.oclc.org/10.1177/2054358121996834

Sanzone, L., Doucette, E., Fansia, N., Fu, C., Kim, E., Lo, K. P., Malhi, P., & Sawatsky, T. (2019). Indigenous approaches to healing in critical care settings: Addressing the Truth and Reconciliation Report’s calls to action. Canadian Journal of Critical Care Nursing30(3), 14–21.

2. Individual Database Search

         a. From the OneSearch main search box on the library home page, choose Databases and navigate to a database relevant to your research question.  Indicate the name of the database (note that there is no such database as EBSCO.  We have multiple EBSCO databases, each with its own name, e.g. Business Source Complete). 

           Chosen Database: CINAHL (nursing database)

         b. List the search terms/subject headings you used.  If the database uses subject headings you must include subject headings in your search.  For example, you might have searched Business Source Complete with the keyword "Delegating."  In the column to the left of your results, you will find Subject Major Heading, with the subject heading Delegation of authority.  Be sure you indicate: Keyword: Delegating; Subject heading: Delegation of authority.

“Systemic racism” AND healthcare / Subject: systemic racism [I needed to drop “Canada” to get enough results.]

____________________ ________________

____________________ ________________

        c. Create a list of 6 citations in proper APA format.  Put them in alphabetical order by author, and do not number them.

Berger, J. T., & Miller, D. R. (2021). Health disparities, systemic racism, and failures of cultural competence. American Journal of Bioethics21(9), 4–10. https://doi-org.twu.idm.oclc.org/10.1080/15265161.2021.1915411

Dancis, J., & Coleman, B. R. (2022). Transformative dissonant encounters: Opportunities for cultivating antiracism in white nursing students. Nursing Inquiry29(1), 1–14. https://doi-org.twu.idm.oclc.org/10.1111/nin.12447

Hardeman, R. R., Homan, P. A., Chantarat, T., Davis, B. A., & Brown, T. H. (2022). Improving the measurement of structural racism to achieve antiracist health policy. Health Affairs41(2), 179–186. https://doi-org.twu.idm.oclc.org/10.1377/hlthaff.2021.01489

Roberts, K. M., & Trejo, A. N. (2022). Provider, heal thy system: An examination of institutionally racist healthcare regulatory practices and structures. Contemporary Family Therapy: An International Journal44(1), 4–15. https://doi-org.twu.idm.oclc.org/10.1007/s10591-021-09630-5

Shippee, T. P., Fabius, C. D., Fashaw-Walters, S., Bowblis, J. R., Nkimbeng, M., Bucy, T. I., Duan, Y., Ng, W., Akosionu, O., & Travers, J. L. (2022). Evidence for action: addressing systemic racism across long-term services and supports. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association23(2), 214–219. https://doi-org.twu.idm.oclc.org/10.1016/j.jamda.2021.12.018

Tremblay, M.-C. (2021). Cultural safety: a key concept for health promotion in times of Covid-19 and systemic racism “syndemic.” Health Promotion International36(6), 1517–1520. https://doi-org.twu.idm.oclc.org/10.1093/heapro/daab201

3.   Do a similar search in Google Scholar, indicate your search terms you used, and list 6 relevant articles in APA format. You can include journal articles, book chapters, doctoral dissertations, and conference presentations, but no books.  Note that Google Scholar does not use subject headings, nor does it use truncation (*). Be sure to log into Google Scholar through the TWU library home page to connect your citations with any full text to which the library subscribes.

Clicking on the quotation mark below any citation will enable you to create citations.

(Note that some Google Scholar data is incomplete, resulting in incomplete citations. In such cases, you will need to find the rest of the data and insert it yourself. This is best done by clicking on the title, which will take you to the original source of the citation and provide you more information.)

Search Terms:

“systemic racism” AND healthcare AND Canada


Boyer, Y. (2017). Healing racism in Canadian health care. Canadian Medical Association Journal189(46), E1408-E1409.

Dryden, O., & Nnorom, O. (2021). Time to dismantle systemic anti-Black racism in medicine in Canada. Canadian Medical Association Journal193(2), E55-E57.

El-Mowafi, I. M., Yalahow, A., Idriss-Wheeler, D., & Yaya, S. (2021). The politest form of racism: Sexual and reproductive health and rights paradigm in Canada. Reproductive Health18(1), 1-5.

Goodman, A., Fleming, K., Markwick, N., Morrison, T., Lagimodiere, L., Kerr, T., & Society, W. A. H. R. (2017). “They treated me like crap and I know it was because I was Native”: The healthcare experiences of Aboriginal peoples living in Vancouver's inner city. Social Science & Medicine178, 87-94.

Phillips-Beck, W., Eni, R., Lavoie, J. G., Avery Kinew, K., Kyoon Achan, G., & Katz, A. (2020). Confronting racism within the Canadian healthcare system: Systemic exclusion of First Nations from quality and consistent care. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(22), 8343.

Sexton, S. M., Richardson, C. R., Schrager, S. B., Bowman, M. A., Hickner, J., Morley, C. P., ... & Weiss, B. D. (2021). Systemic racism and health disparities: Statement from editors of family medicine journals. Canadian Family Physician67(1), 13-14.


A well done assignment will include the following features:

1. The databases chosen are specific to the subject matter of the research question or at least cover the subject matter well.

2. Search terms are drawn from the research question and are formulated correctly.

3. Good subject headings are used when the database has them.

4. Results are specifically relevant to the research question and are of good quality (scholarly).