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- Abelard (2004)
- Adorno (2004)
- Anselm (2004)
- Aquinas (1993)
- Aquinas (New Cambridge, 2002)
- Arabic Philosophy (2004)
- Aristotle's Biology (2021)
- Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (2014)
- Aristotle's Politics (2013)
- Augustine (1st ed. 2001)
- Augustine (2nd. ed. 2014)
- Bacon (1996)
- Berkeley (2005)
- Berlin, Isaiah (2018)
- Biology, Philosophy of (2007)
- Boethius (2009)
- Brentano (2004)
- Carnap (2008)
- Chomsky (1st ed. 2005)
- Chomsky (2nd ed. 2017)
- Cicero (2009)
- Cicero's Philosophy (2004)
- Communist Manifesto (2015)
- Constant (2009)
- Critical Theory (2006)
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- Darwin (2nd ed. 2009)
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- Descartes' Meditations (2014)
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- Enlightenment Scottish (2nd ed. 2019)
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- Foucault (2nd. ed. 2006)
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- Gadamer (2nd ed. 2021)
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- Hegel & 19th Century Philosophy (2009)
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- Heidegger (2nd ed. 2006)
- Heidegger's Being and Time (2013)
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- Hume's Treatise (2015)
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- Idealism, German (2nd ed. 2017)
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- Jewish Philosophy, Modern (2007)
- Jung (1st ed. 1997)
- Jung (2nd ed. 2008)
Cambridge Companions K-Z
- Kant (2006)
- Kant and Modern Philosophy (2007)
- Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (2010)
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- Locke (1994)
- Locke's 'Essay Concerning Human Understanding (2007)
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- Logical Empiricism (2007)
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- Montesquieu (2023)
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- Newton (2nd ed. 2016)
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- Nineteenth Century Thought (2019)
- Nozick's Anarchy, State, and Utopia (2011)
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- Pascal (2003)
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- Philosophy, Early Modern (2006)
- Philosophy, Medieval (2003)
- Philosophy, Renaissance (2007)
- Piaget (2009)
- Plato (1st ed. 1992)
- Plato, (2nd ed. 2022)
- Plato's Republic (2017)
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- Plotinus (New Cambridge, 2022)
- Plutarch (2023)
- Popper (2016)
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- Reid, Thomas (2004)
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- Sartre (1999)
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- Simone de Beauvoir (2003)
- Smith, Adam (2006)
- Socrates (2011)
- Sophists (2023)
- Spinoza (1st ed. 1995)
- Spinoza, (2nd ed. 2021)
- Spinoza's Ethics (2010)
- Stoics (2006)
- Strauss, Leo (2009)
- Thomas More (2011)
- Tocqueville (2007)
- Utilitarianism (2014)
- Virtue Ethics (2013)
- Vygotsky (2007)
- Weber (2000)
- Wittgenstein (1st ed. 1996)
- Wittgenstein (2nd ed. 2009)
- Xenophon (2016)
Blaise Pascal, lithograph